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ITN Update for DPG/H Meeting November 7, 2007 New MOHSW Strategy Equity Voucher PMI Plan EKN Support Sachs Proposal.

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Presentation on theme: "ITN Update for DPG/H Meeting November 7, 2007 New MOHSW Strategy Equity Voucher PMI Plan EKN Support Sachs Proposal."— Presentation transcript:

1 ITN Update for DPG/H Meeting November 7, 2007 New MOHSW Strategy Equity Voucher PMI Plan EKN Support Sachs Proposal

2 New GOT ITN Strategy Vouchers for Pregnant Women and Infants shift to polyethylene LLINs with Tsh 500 Top up Catch up Campaign for all children 2-5 years Encourage Tanzanian Net Manufacturers to shift to factory pre-treatment of polyester nets Continue insecticide subsidy to those that comply

3 Equity Voucher EV set up in 6 districts using different strategies IHRDC and MEDA reports very little impact Move to 500 TSH voucher and free 2 – 5 catch up campaign reduces need Proposal before Natnets Steering group Meeting to end EV

4 PMI Plan FY 2008 Malaria Operational Plan –Consultative Meeting June 2007 –MOP Developed with NMCP and ZMCP –Submitted to Washington August –Approved by TWG August Except for Insecticide Subsidy for Commercial Net Manufacturers Funding reprogrammed for IRS –Final reprogramming and approval expected this month. Post on Web

5 Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands “Silent” Partner with DfID in Natnets for PSI to provide insecticide Offered €1 million to USAID for insecticide through PMI to PSI Expanded offer to multi-year funding Waiting for lawyers to seal the deal

6 Professor Jeffery Sachs Came in July 18-20 Criticized TNVS Offered to finance free distribution of nets MOHSW “negotiated” down to 26 Districts Met with President in New York October Offered rural nationwide funding 103 Districts Proposal quickly revised and submitted Nov 1

7 Next Steps MOHSW called a NATNETS Steering Group meeting on Nov 15 th If Sachs funding is received, need to reprogram –PMI MOP –WB funding –GFATM proposals

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