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THE FREE WASH. Matthew 8:1-4 When he came down from the mountainside, large crowds followed him. A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said,

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Presentation on theme: "THE FREE WASH. Matthew 8:1-4 When he came down from the mountainside, large crowds followed him. A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Matthew 8:1-4 When he came down from the mountainside, large crowds followed him. A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.” Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” Immediately he was cured of his leprosy. Then Jesus said to him, “See that you don’t tell anyone. But go, show yourself to the priest and offer the gift Moses commanded, as a testimony to them.”

3 I. The Condition - v2

4 A. What is leprosy? 1. The most common variety today iscalled Hansen’sDisease. I. The Condition

5 A. What is leprosy? 2. Sores begin to spread over the entire body. I. The Condition

6 A. What is leprosy? 3. The Bible variety. I. The Condition

7 3. The Bible variety. a. Leprosy ( λέπρα ) = a skin disease. I. The Condition

8 3. The Bible variety. a. Leprosy ( λέπρα ) = a skin disease. b. The Law required: quarantine, body covered, 6’ distance, cry of “Unclean!” I. The Condition

9 3. The Bible variety. a. Leprosy ( λέπρα ) = a skin disease. b. The Law required: quarantine, body covered, 6’ distance, cry of “Unclean!” c. Gradually turns all the skin white. I. The Condition

10 4. Bible examples: a. Moses - Exodus 4:6-7 I. The Condition

11 4. Bible examples: a. Moses - Exodus 4:6-7 b. Miriam - Numbers 12:10 I. The Condition

12 4. Bible examples: a. Moses - Exodus 4:6-7 b. Miriam - Numbers 12:10 c. Naaman - II Kings 5:1-14 I. The Condition

13 B. He didn’t doubt the Lord’s ability, only His willingness. Luke 5:12 - While Jesus was in one of the towns, a man came along who was covered with leprosy. I. The Condition

14 C. Leprosy & sin compared. I. The Condition Leprosy is uglySin is ugly

15 C. Leprosy & sin compared. I. The Condition Leprosy is uglySin is ugly Leprosy is separation from society

16 C. Leprosy & sin compared. I. The Condition Leprosy is uglySin is ugly Leprosy is separation from society Sin is separation from God

17 C. Leprosy & sin compared. I. The Condition Leprosy is uglySin is ugly Leprosy is separation from society Sin is separation from God Leprosy: fellowship is restored when the priest declares him “all white”.

18 C. Leprosy & sin compared. I. The Condition Leprosy is uglySin is ugly Leprosy is separation from society Sin is separation from God Leprosy: fellowship is restored when the priest declares him “all white”. Divine deliverance comes as the Lord’s blood washes us “white as snow”! - Revelation 7:9-14

19 I. The Condition - v2 I. The Condition - v2 II. The Cleansing - v3

20 A. Lord Jesus stretched forth His hand making fellowship & service possible. II. The Cleansing

21 A. Lord Jesus stretched forth His hand making fellowship & service possible. 1. He touched a leper! II. The Cleansing

22 A. Lord Jesus stretched forth His hand making fellowship & service possible. 1. He touched a leper! 2. Only the High Priest has a right to do that! II. The Cleansing

23 A. Lord Jesus stretched forth His hand making fellowship & service possible. 3. Jesus expressed His willingness by echoing the leper’s request. II. The Cleansing

24 A. Lord Jesus stretched forth His hand making fellowship & service possible. 3. Jesus expressed His willingness by echoing the leper’s request. 4. Result: the leprosy was washed away! II. The Cleansing

25 A. Lord Jesus stretched forth His hand making fellowship & service possible. B. Lord Jesus died on the cross making fellowship & service possible. II. The Cleansing

26 1. Sin stands as a barrier between you & God! II. The Cleansing

27 2. The cross breaks down that barrier by paying the price for your sin! II. The Cleansing

28 I. The Condition - v2 I. The Condition - v2 II. The Cleansing - v3 III. The Command - v4

29 A. The leper had to restore himself by obeying God. II. The Command

30 A. The leper had to restore himself by obeying God. 1. He was cleansed, but not restored. II. The Command

31 A. The leper had to restore himself by obeying God. 2. The Law said he had to be inspected by the priest, declared clean, & then provide the appropriate offering. - Leviticus 14:1-32 II. The Command

32 A. The leper had to restore himself by obeying God. B. The cleansed sinner must restore himself by obeying the Bible. II. The Command

33 B. The cleansed sinner must restore himself by obeying the Bible. 1. The blood of Jesus makes it possible, but only obedience makes it real! II. The Command

34 B. The cleansed sinner must restore himself by obeying the Bible. 2. The response: Acts 2:38 - Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Acts 22:16 - And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name Acts 22:16 - And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name. II. The Command

35 B. The cleansed sinner must restore himself by obeying the Bible. 3. The cleansing of Naaman was a foreshadow of the cleansing of sin! Acts 2:40 - Save yourselves from this corrupt generation. II. The Command

36 Lord Jesus provided for your free wash on the cross! Now, come and receive it To be cleansed!

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