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Take notes as the lecture is given. E ARLY I NDUSTRY AND I NVENTIONS.

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Presentation on theme: "Take notes as the lecture is given. E ARLY I NDUSTRY AND I NVENTIONS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Take notes as the lecture is given. E ARLY I NDUSTRY AND I NVENTIONS

2 I NDUSTRIAL R EVOLUTION  The first Industrial Revolution began in England in the late 18th century.  An industrial revolution is when hand tools are replaced by factory machines, and farming is replaced by large-scale manufacturing.  An example is the making of clothes.

3 S PINNING J ENNY AND P OWER L OOM  Before the Industrial Revolution, clothes were made at home.  Afterwards, clothes were made by machines in factories.  Often these machines were run by children.

4 F ACTORY S YSTEM  The factory system had many workers under one roof working at machines.  Many people left farms and moved to the city to work in factories. They wanted the money that factories paid.  This change was not always for the better.  Child Labor in the Inudustrial Revolution Child Labor in the Inudustrial Revolution cc

5 F ACTORIES C OME TO N EW E NGLAND  New England was a good place to have a factory.  Factories needed water power, and New England had many fast- moving rivers.


7 T HE L OWELL M ILLS H IRE W OMEN  In 1813, Francis Cabot Lowell built a factory in eastern Massachusetts, near the Concord River.  The factory spun cotton into yarn and wove the cotton into cloth.  Something was different about this factory, they hired women.  The “Lowell girls” lived in company-owned boardinghouses.  The girls worked over 12 hours a day in deafening noise.

8 T HE L OWELL G IRLS  Young women came to Lowell in spite of the noise.  They came for the good wages: between two and four dollars a week.  The girls usually only worked for a few years until they married.  Lowell Girls Lowell Girls

9 T HE C OTTON G IN  In 1793, Eli Whitney invented a machine for cleaning cotton.  The Cotton Gin made cleaning cotton far easier. Because of this, cotton became an important crop in the South.  With the growth of more cotton, plantation owners needed more slaves.  The Cotton Gin made cotton king in the South and greatly increased the use of slaves for forced labor on plantations.  How the Gin made Cotton King How the Gin made Cotton King

10 I NTERCHANGEABLE P ARTS  The first use of interchangeable parts was created by inventor Eli Whitney.  Before this time, guns were made one at a time. Each gun was different.  If a part broke, a new part had to be created.  Whitney created muskets with exactly the same parts, so any part would fit any gun.  The use of interchangeable parts speeded up production, made repairs easier, and allowed the use of lower-paid, less skilled workers.

11 S TEAMBOAT  Robert Fulton designed a steam engine for a steamboat that could move against the current of a river or against the wind.  The steamboat created more opportunities for trade and transportation on rivers.

12 T HE T ELEGRAPH  The telegraph was invented by Samuel Morse.  This machine sent sent long and short pulses of electricity along a wire.  With the telegraph, it took only seconds to communicate with another city.  The invention of the steamboat and telegraph brought the people of the nation closer to each other.

13 J OHN D EERE AND THE PLOW  In 1836, John Deere invented a lightweight plow with a steel cutting edge.  Deere’s plow made preparing the ground for planting much less work.

14 C YRUS M C C ORMICK AND THE REAPER  Cyrus McCormick invented a mechanical reaper, cut grain from the fields.  This allowed farmers to plant much more seed because they could harvest it easier.

15 T HE T HRESHING M ACHINE TThe threshing machine separated the kernels of wheat from the husks, which was a far faster way of getting wheat than picking it by hand. TThe threshing machine increased the growing of wheat.

16 S EWING M ACHINE The sewing machine was invented by Elias Howe in 1844 This invention reduced the work load of women and gave them more leisure time

17 B ESSEMER S TEEL P ROCESS In 1855, Henry Bessemer came up with a way to refine steel and make it less brittle. Steel began to replace iron as a more dependable metal for tools and construction.

18 S TEAM L OCOMOTIVE  The steam locomotive was invented by a man from England named Richard Trevithick.  Because of the availability of steel made possible by the Bessemer Steel Process, America was able to build railroad tracks that crossed the continent.  The steam powered locomotive transported goods and people from coast to coast.

19 T HE E RIE C ANAL  Governor DeWitt Clinton of New York commissioned the building of a canal from Lake Erie to the Atlantic Ocean.  A canal is a manmade waterway. The canal was nicknamed “Clinton’s Ditch.”  The Erie canal made the transportation of goods from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean possible.  Cities such as Chicago, Toledo, Buffalo and Cleveland sprung up on the Great Lakes.

20 N EW T ECHNOLOGIES HELP NATION GROW  With new farm equipment, Midwestern farmers grew food to feed Northeastern factory workers.  Midwestern farmers became a market for Northeastern manufactured goods.  The growth of the textile factories increased the demand for Southern cotton.  This led to the expansion of slavery.

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