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1 Background EEA A European Union institution Established by EU Regulation Staff: about 80 Budget: ca. 20 Meuro Seat: Copenhagen EEA home page:

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Presentation on theme: "1 Background EEA A European Union institution Established by EU Regulation Staff: about 80 Budget: ca. 20 Meuro Seat: Copenhagen EEA home page:"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Background EEA A European Union institution Established by EU Regulation Staff: about 80 Budget: ca. 20 Meuro Seat: Copenhagen EEA home page:

2 2 The EEA mission “Through the provision of timely, targeted, relevant and reliable information to policy making agents and the public, the EEA aims to help achieve significant and measurable improvement in Europe’s environment”

3 3..serve the countries and the Commission… Countries Commission Information from EEA Policy development Implementation, compliance

4 4 EEA member and partner countries EU Member States + Norway Iceland Liechtenstein +East Europe, Malta, Cyprus (members in 2001) NIS

5 The EEA Envision

6 6 Main EEA reports 1999 : Environment in the EU at the turn of the century (State and Outlook/Scenarios) 2000 : Environmental signals, indicator based 2000/2001: Transport and environment report 2001 : next Environmental Signals 2002 : Europe's Environment : third Assessment (Kiev report) 2004 : next State and Outlook report

7 EIONET European Environmental Information and Observation Network National Focal Points National Reference Centres European Topic Centres (Air and climate change; Water; Waste; Nature and Biodiversity; Terrestrial Environment) Other institutes

8 8 The European Topic Centre on Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC) Established March 2001 for three years A truly European consortium Lead organization: RIVM, the Netherlands (co- lead UBA Germany) Around 8 manyear/year

9 9 ETC Air and Climate Change consortium Institute of public health and environment (RIVM)Netherlands (Lead) Umweltbundesamt (UBA Berlin) Germany Umweltbundesamt (UBA Vienna)Austria Norwegian Air Research Centre (NILU)Norway EMEP Centres (CIAM/IIASA and MSCW/DNMI)Austria/Norway(Int) Technical University Athens (NTUA)Greece Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUT) TNO-MEPNetherlands AEA TechnologyUnited Kingdom Oeko-instituteGermany Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (SHMU)Slovakia Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMI)Czech Republic

10 10 Main objectives for ETC Air and Climate Change 1.To contribute to EEA main reports through assessments on climate change and air pollution (past trends, current state and outlooks); 2.To implement data collection and information systems to deliver indicators for EEA reports and policy support (EUROAIRNET, AIRBASE, CORINAIR) and to work with countries, Commission and international organisations to further streamline information gathering and reporting procedures; 3.To provide support to the EU policy and legislative frameworks CAFE (and AQ Framework Dir) and ECCP (and GHG monitoring Mechanism) and international conventions (CLRTAP and UNFCCC/IPCC); 4.To support countries in their reporting to the Commission and international organisations, and for inclusion in the ETC databases, by providing guidance/guidebooks, tools and by organising workshops.

11 11 Main policy support activities TAP = Transboundary Air Pollution EU LegislationTheme EU European Climate Change ProgrammeCC EU GHG Monitoring MechanismCC CAFE programmeAQ,TAP AQ Framework DirectiveAQ Daughter Directives, Ozone DirectiveAQ National Emission Ceilings (NEC) DirectiveAQ, TAP AQ Exchange of Information DecisionAQ Large Combustion Plant (LCP) Directive and Solvents Dir.AQ Directive on ozone deleting substances and revisionsStrat. O 3 IPPC Directive and EPER DecisionAll International conventions UNFCCCCC UNECE CLRTAPTAP TAP = Transboundary Air Pollution

12 12 ETC/ACC Work Programme 1.Contribute to State-of-Environment reporting, assessments and environmental outlooks and explore cross-benefits between climate change and air pollution policies 2.Develop indicators for sectoral/environmental reporting, support data reporting and access and help remove duplication 3.Support policy making in EU and conventions 4.Interact with EIONET, organise workshops

13 13 Products and services in 2001 Delivery date Work package 1. Assessment and EEA reporting Proposal for an organisational framework for assessments July Contribution to Environmental Signals 2002/Kiev report October Preparations for EU 2004 State and Outlook report November Contribution to first EER and next TERMSeptember/ December

14 14 Products and services in 2001 Delivery date Work package 2. Indicators, data flow, databases 1. Core indicator set air pollution/climate change. 2. Feasibility study 2002 report on climate change indicators in Europe June September Regular EIONET priority data flow progress reports; streamlining of reporting NFP/EIONET meetings Updates of databases CORINAIR, AIRBASE, MDS and updated EMEP/CORINAIR Guidebook AE: May, Sept AQ: December Updates of AQ-DEM and AE-DEM (IDA programme) June, Dec

15 15 Products and services in 2001 Delivery date Work package 3a. Add. support to EU/intern. policy frameworks: Climate change Support to EU Monitoring Mechanism (including Kyoto requirements) and the ECCP programme Ongoing Topic report ‘EU and MS greenhouse gas emission trends 1990-1999’ June Topic report ‘Analysis and comparison of national and EU projections of greenhouse emissions’ September EU UNFCC Greenhouse Gas Inventory (also input to the EU Third UNFCCC Communication May

16 16 Products and services in 2001 Delivery date Work package 3b. Add. support to EU/intern. policy frameworks: Air pollutio n Support to the CAFE and related EU legislation Ongoing Topic report ‘Air Quality in Europe’ July Topic report ‘Air Emissions trends in Europe’ July EU CLRTAP/NECD annual emission inventory June Report on ozone in EU summer 2001 October Support to EU Pollutant Emission Register(IPPC) Ongoing

17 17 ETC/ACC products related to emissions Improve data flow between countries, the European Commission, Eurostat, the Conventions and EEA. Annual joint TFEIP/EIONET workshop (May 2001, Geneva, Switzerland). Provide software tools to Member States to fulfil international reporting requirements (CollectER/ReportER/COPERT) en Publish the joint EMEP/CORINAIR Atmospheric Emission Inventory Guidebook Prepare the annual EU greenhouse gas inventory and the EC CLRTAP inventory and make emission data available From 2003 onwards assist in the collection and dissemination of the European Pollutant Emissions Register (EPER)

18 18 Contributions to CAFE Support data flow and data access Produce air state and outlook reports and develop indicators Review sectoral emission projections Explore air-CC cross-benefits Link urban air quality to wider assessment framework Contribute to health impact studies

19 19

20 20 Emissions of acidifying gases

21 21 Spillover effects of climate change policies; acidification and tropospheric ozone policies and primary PM 10 measures in the accelerated policy scenario. Source: RIVM (2000)

22 22 O 3 : Average number of exceedance days in urban areas (8h >110 ug/m3) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 1990199119921993199419951996199719981999 Average number of exceedance days Exceedance of the EU human health threshold value for ozone in urban areas in EEA18

23 23 Integrated Assessment energytransportindustryagriculturetourism Economy & population D P S CO2GHGSO2NHxVOCPM10NOx PM10O3NO2SO2PM10O3NO2SO2 Emissions Air quality regionalurban

24 24 Essential conditions for success Cooperation with other international organizations Close interaction with stakeholders Well connected to sectors Involving accession countries

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