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Teacher Data Teams Tier 2/Tier 3 Intervention Group Tracking Croton Elementary Laurel Preston, Literacy Coach.

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Presentation on theme: "Teacher Data Teams Tier 2/Tier 3 Intervention Group Tracking Croton Elementary Laurel Preston, Literacy Coach."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teacher Data Teams Tier 2/Tier 3 Intervention Group Tracking Croton Elementary Laurel Preston, Literacy Coach

2 Week One: Tier One Data/Strategies Week Two: Tier 2 OPM Week Three: Problem-Solving Week Four: Off

3 Teacher: Kuntz-MurphyTeacher: RehrerTeacher: YerkesTeacher: CarestiaTeacher: Dutil Focus of Group: Tier 3 for possible ESE, LLI Focus of Group: (Phonics) PSI, Sk. 5 Silent “e” Focus of Group: (Phonics) PSI, Sk. 5 Silent “e” Focus of Group: PSI, Sk. 6 Predictable Vowels Tier 3 Focus of Group: PSI, Sk 6 Predictable Vowels Semaj (C) Gabe (R) Brayden (MD) Angel (KD) Chloe (KD) Anaiayah (C) Juliana (A) Teagan (R) Matthew (KD) Gyvan (C) Mikayla (MD) Gabriel (MD) Jamare (R) Julie (MD) Teacher: DavenportTeacher: AlbertyTeacher: Warnick-Ellis Homeroom Classes Focus of Group: PSI, Sk 6 Predictable Vowels Focus of Group: PSI, Sk. 6 Predictable Vowels Focus of Group: ESE, Barton, Phonics, Sight Words Focus of Group: Ind. Reading w/writ resp/thinking map Kevin (R) Tyler (MD) Natalia (Y) Hannah (Y) Anastasia (Y) Owen (A) Josiah (C) Anna (KD) Zuheidy (A) Jonathon (A) All other students 2nd Grade Walk to Intervention Cycle 4: December 3-January 9 (Letter in parenthesis indicates Homeroom teacher. A=Alberty, C=Carestia, KD=Davenport, MD=Dutil, R=Rehrer, Y=Yerkes) Student is repeating the same skill for the 2 nd timeRepeating the same skill 3 rd time Repeating the same skill 4 th time Repeating Skill 5 th Time Students for Problem Solving: Gyvan, Jamare, Matthew

4 Teacher: AdelmanTeacher: Barneman Teacher: GoolsbyTeacher: Taylor Focus of Group: TIER 3 Rewards (multi-syllable, fluency) Focus of Group: Comprehension, Florida Ready LAFS Focus of Group: Comprehension, Florida Ready LAFS Focus of Group: ESE, Barton, fluency, comprehension Zach Zanasia Garrett Tavares Kevin Jason Abigail Syr Christopher Thomas Jordan Jaiden Austin Matthew Alysia Michael Richelle Adrian Davion Faith (M, F) Joey Quinshada (M, F) Christion Teacher: PruettTeacher: Goolsby ON HOLDTeacher: Goolsby Homeroom Classes Focus of Group: Comprehension: Common Core Coach Focus of Group: 3+ Reading 1 or 2 in Math Focus of Group: TIER 3 Comprehension, FOCUS Focus of Group: Ind. Reading w/writ resp/thinking map Paige Austin Jillian Emma Phillip Hailey Gabriel Davie Isaiah Yadira Grace Skye Carlie Evan Faith Quindasha All other students 6th Grade Walk to Intervention Cycle 5: January 20-February 13 (Letter in parenthesis indicates Homeroom teacher. A=Adelman, B=Barneman, G=Goolsby, P=Pruett) Problem Solving: Zanasia (where are we in the process/what do we need to do to move forward?)

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