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I-225 Corridor Project Updates Citizens Advisory Committee June 20, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "I-225 Corridor Project Updates Citizens Advisory Committee June 20, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 I-225 Corridor Project Updates Citizens Advisory Committee June 20, 2012

2 Request for Proposals (RFP)Status Kiewit Infrastructure Company submitted the unsolicited proposal earlier this year and was found to have merit. RTD released a RFP in early May for the I-225 Rail Line. The RFP is based on the unsolicited proposal and enabled Kiewit and other interested firms enter into competitive bidding process by submitting a detailed proposal which were due on June 14. RFP requested proposer to provided a Design-Build approach to construct the I-225 Rail Line beyond the Iliff Station with a Financial Solution that was within the RTD financial capacity RTD received two proposals (Balfour Beatty/Ames and Kiewit). RTD staff is in the process of reviewing the proposals

3 Joint RTD/CDOT Construction Project RTD Official Groundbreaking Ceremony held on May 11 SEMA Construction is the contractor on the RTD/CDOT joint projects that include: Civil elements of Nine Mile to Iliff light rail Widening of I-225 highway from Parker Road to Mississippi

4 Project Construction


6 Next Steps June 18 – June 29 –Review the proposals in response to the I-225 Rail Line RFP July 3 –Present recommendation for award to the RTD Board of Directors - FasTracks Monitoring Committee July 17 –RTD Board of Directors makes decision on proposed recommendation for award Summer 2012 - Financial Close and Notice to Proceed Completion of the I-225 Rail Line – TBD Summer 2014 - Completion of the I-225 Highway Widening

7 RTD FasTracks Mantra Build as much and we can, as fast as we can, until it’s all done

8 Questions? 15

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