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Two experiences from the Netherlands: 1. Respect Limits & 2. Website ‘’ Renske Thalia Poelma (CHOICE)

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Presentation on theme: "Two experiences from the Netherlands: 1. Respect Limits & 2. Website ‘’ Renske Thalia Poelma (CHOICE)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Two experiences from the Netherlands: 1. Respect Limits & 2. Website ‘’ Renske Thalia Poelma (CHOICE)

2 1. Respect Limits: Intervention for early and adequate guidance for JSO Juvenile sex offenders (JSO) Boys, 12-18 years (juvenile court) First-offenders No (other) acts of violence No disorders or addictions and sexual disfunctions Goal Prevention of relapse Encourage to change behaviour, by: recognizing and respecting limits developing a different attitude and adequate skills Key focus: healthy sexual behaviour

3 Reasons for sexual offence ( according to the participants in the mandatory educational programme of Rutgers WPF, Hoïng et al 2007)

4 Juvenile sex offenders in the Netherlands can be sentenced to Prison Juvenile institution, most of the time including treatment Ambulant treatment Community service order (working or learning) Learning: educational training programme (‘Respect limits’) Responsibility for guidance and surveillance by Child Protection Board

5 Respect limits; The intervention Approved by the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice (Accreditation Panel, 2012) the programme: meets the established quality requirements the programme could results in reducing re-offending of youth offenders 10, 15 or 20 individual sessions of 90 minutes each (face- to-face with a certified trainer) the amount of sessions depends on: the level of education personal risk factors Parents are involved invited to the first and last session 1-3 meetings

6 2. New! Website for professionals

7 Tries to activate professionals to take up the issue of sexuality at every relevant occasion: General practitioners Primary Health Care Nurses Midwives Sexual health counselors Care providers in care for the elderly Professionals in Youth Care and Child Health Care Managers of residential institutions for people with a disability We do this in cooperation with the professionals associations of the addressed professionals


9 Offers information on sexuality during the lifeline from conception till death: STI/HIV Pregnancy Contraception Sexual violence Sexual dysfunctions Disease and disability Sexual orientation Gender diversity

10 More information We have submitted a EU/Daphne proposal ‘Wise Guys’, based on Respect Limits. Involved partner countries: Spain, Ireland, Greece and Poland. Associate partners from Portugal, Slowakia and Spain. Respect limits / Wise Guys

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