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Overview of the Capstone Experience Master of Public Health Capstone.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of the Capstone Experience Master of Public Health Capstone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of the Capstone Experience Master of Public Health Capstone

2 2 Major Assignments UnitAssignmentPoints 3Capstone Proposal100 5Capstone Defense50 9 or 10Capstone Presentation170 10Written Report300

3 3 Course Design Everything in this course directly relates to your main assignments. Your main assignments relate directly to your capstone project Discrete assignments are not present in this course. Keep current in your coursework!

4 Discussions & Assignments Main PU699 Assignments Capstone Project 4

5 Capstone Proposal 2-3 pages (i.e., 500-750 words) Contains the following information: -Type of project -Project Statement -Goals & Objectives Statement -Description of Public Health Domain: cy_Model/index.html cy_Model/index.html -Timeline (must stay within PU699 parameters) 5

6 Capstone Defense Written defense only General process: -Your instructor (me) will email your capstone defense questions during Unit 4 -You will submit your responses to these questions in Unit 5 6

7 Capstone Presentation Presenting your capstone project in a open forum is a requirement for graduation from the MPH program. Each student receives 90 minutes to present capstone project in a virtual conference “Poster Session” -Your presentation should be 30-40 minutes in length -Additional time allotted for Q&A period General Process -Unit 8: You will submit at least 10 slides for peer-review (discussion board); You will receive training on using the virtual environment for your presentation (seminar); You will submit your time requests (assignment). -Unit 9 & 10: Scheduled capstone presentations. -You must attend at least 50% of your classmates’ presentations, as part of your grade. 7

8 Written Report 20-30 pages (5000-7500 words) Sections: -Abstract -Introduction -Discussion -Personal Assessment -Conclusions & Recommendations -References & Bibliography Think: 2-3 pages per week in this course & many discussions/assignments are subsections of this report. Thus, you will only need to collate information 8

9 Any Questions? Contact information: Matthew Caines, D.H.Ed., M.P.H., CHES 9

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