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ENGINEERING 1301 INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING Lecture 1: Introduction to Introduction to Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "ENGINEERING 1301 INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING Lecture 1: Introduction to Introduction to Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENGINEERING 1301 INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING Lecture 1: Introduction to Introduction to Engineering

2 Review of Syllabus and Class Procedures Prof. Brian Thomas 305GBaylor Office: Rogers Building ECS 305G Email: Office phone: (254) 710-4190

3 PURPOSE OF EGR 1301 Answer Questions About Engineering –What is engineering? –What do engineers do in their profession? –What are the different types of engineering? –What is the difference between science and engineering? How? –Lectures, Hand-On Labs, Homework, Reading Assignments –Design Project!

4 SOME COOL THINGS WE WILL STUDY… Truss Structures Fluid Mechanics Engineering Ethics Digital Logic Electric Circuits Power Generation Plants The Engineering Design Process Engineering Materials and Manufacturing Methods Energy and Work

5 TEXTBOOK REQUIREMENTS Text: Holtzapple and Reece, Foundations of Engineering, 2nd edition, McGraw Hill Chapters covered in part or in total: 1-3, 5-9, 11, 13-16, 22

6 GRADE CALCULATIONS Weekly homework assignments 15% Weekly reading quizzes, dropping the lowest 10% Laboratory exercises 12.5% Design Project 12.5% Three major exams 30% Final Exam 20% TOTAL100% Mastery of the subject must be displayed on the comprehensive final exam. Failure of the final exam will result in failure of the course. Furthermore, an exceptionally good or poor performance on the final exam may result in a higher or lower course grade, respectively, than that called for by the grading guidelines.

7 PLAGIARISM  Students agree that by taking this course, all required papers, exams, class projects or other assignments submitted for credit may be submitted to or similar third parties to review and evaluate for originality and intellectual integrity. A description of the services, terms and conditions of use, and privacy policy of is available on its web site: Students understand all work submitted to will be added to its database of papers.

8 SOME DETAILS Homework Submission –Scan to JPG, GIF, TIF, or PDF format –Email to –Due dates on course calendar! Reading Assignments –Complete Online by due date on calendar Exams –Will be administered by local mentor and mailed to me for grading –Scanned versions of graded exams will be returned via email –Will be open-book, timed, mixed format

9 BLACKBOARD USAGE BlackBoard will contain the following: –Lectures (PowerPoint with audio) –Reading Assignments –Homework Assignments –Syllabus and Calendar –Your grades to date (ignore weighted average!) –Announcements –BlackBoard is your classroom!

10 CALCULATOR USAGE If you are purchasing a calculator, the TI-89 is strongly recommended. If you already have another calculator, it is not necessary to purchase a TI-89 for EGR 1301

11 LABORATORIES Visits to Baylor University –Friday nights, all day Saturday –Hands-on labs –Project Time –Copyrighted videos –Housing and Meals

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