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Public Health and Health Reform: A Snapshot of Current Legislative Activity Jeffrey Levi Richard Hamburg July 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Public Health and Health Reform: A Snapshot of Current Legislative Activity Jeffrey Levi Richard Hamburg July 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Public Health and Health Reform: A Snapshot of Current Legislative Activity Jeffrey Levi Richard Hamburg July 2009

2 Status  Senate HELP Committee has reported out a bill; principal committee for public health provisions Finance Committee still working on a draft  Paying for reform is biggest challenge  House Tri-Committee bill in midst of markup Energy & Commerce has prime jurisdiction over public health

3 Key prevention and public health components of health reform  Universal coverage, including first $ coverage of clinical preventive services  National Prevention Strategy  Reliable funding stream through creation of a Trust Fund (mandatory appropriation) to support: Core public health functions Community prevention Public health workforce Public health and prevention research

4 House and Senate Bills (1) HouseSenate HELP 1 st $ coverage of preventive servicesNoYes National Prevention StrategyYes Trust FundYes

5 House and Senate Bills (2) HouseSenate HELP Core public health functionsYesNot explicit Community preventionYes Public health workforceYes Public health and prevention research Yes

6 What’s next?  House and Senate schedules  What are potential challenges? Questions regarding community prevention Size of Trust Fund  What Congress needs to hear  FIND UPDATED INFORMATION AT

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