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Senate or House? Decide whether the statement describes the House of Representatives or Senate.

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Presentation on theme: "Senate or House? Decide whether the statement describes the House of Representatives or Senate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Senate or House? Decide whether the statement describes the House of Representatives or Senate.

2 Must be at least 25 years old

3 Must have been a citizen for at least seven years

4 Cannot hold other government jobs or receive salary from other government jobs.

5 Elects its own officers.

6 Has the power to impeach government officials.

7 One-third of the entire house is elected every two years.

8 Must be at least 30 years old.

9 The Vice-President is this house’s president.

10 Elects an official called the president pro tempore to run meetings.

11 Conducts trials of impeachment.

12 Must meet at least once every year.

13 More than half the members must be present to conduct business.

14 Has law-making powers.

15 May set its own rules of operation.

16 Number of members in the house is based on the state’s population

17 Elected for six-year terms.

18 Member can be punished for disorderly behavior, or even expelled.

19 Elected for two-year terms.

20 Must keep an official record of its proceedings.

21 Must live in the state from which they are elected.

22 Members serve on standing committees.

23 Members may introduce tax bills and appropriation bills.

24 A member may speak for an unlimited amount of time.

25 The number of members is fixed at 435.

26 Members can send job-related mail without paying postage.

27 Members may not be sued for anything they say or write while carrying out their duties.

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