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Weather Forecasting Subtitle. Bellringer #2  What is climate? What factors determine a region’s climate?

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Presentation on theme: "Weather Forecasting Subtitle. Bellringer #2  What is climate? What factors determine a region’s climate?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Weather Forecasting Subtitle

2 Bellringer #2  What is climate? What factors determine a region’s climate?

3 Today’s Objectives  Students will be able to… Distinguish between weather and climate. Explain why rain shadows only form on the downwind slope of mountains. Describe how large bodies of water influence climate.

4 What is climate? When you describe today’s weather, are you describing your region’s climate?

5 What is Climate?  Climate is the long-term average weather conditions that occur in a particular region.  A region’s climate depends on average temperature and precipitation, as well as how these variables change throughout the year.

6 What affects climate? The latitude of a location affects climate.

7 Latitude  The amount of solar energy per unit of Earth’s surface area depends on latitude.  Earth’s curved surface causes latitudes closer to the equator to receive more direct sunlight than latitudes farther north or south.  Latitudes near the poles receive less solar energy and have lower average temperatures.  Latitudes near the equator tend to have warmer climates than higher latitudes.

8 Compare & Contrast

9 Altitude  Climate is influenced by altitude.  Temperature decreases as altitude increases in the troposphere.

10 Mountain Ranges  Mountains influence climate because they are barriers to prevailing winds.  This leads to rain shadow: an area of low rainfall on the downwind slope of a mountain.  Different amounts of precipitation on either side of a mountain range influence vegetation growth.

11 Large Bodies of Water  Have you ever felt like the sand on the beach was burning your feet? What did you do?  Water has a higher specific heat than sand; it takes more energy to heat water.  Specific heat is the amount of thermal energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 kg of a material by 1°C.  Water’s high specific heat causes the climates along coastlines to remain somewhat constant.  Prevailing winds extend the moderate temperatures farther inland.

12 Ocean Currents  Ocean currents also modify climate.  The Gulf Stream is a warm, northward current along the east coast of North America.  The Gulf Stream brings warmer temperatures to portions of the United States and Europe.

13 Applying Concepts Suppose that you live in a coastal region on the windward side of a mountain range. A warm water current flows along the coast. Describe the climate in your region.

14 Exit Ticket Explain how the factors we discussed today (temperature, precipitation; latitude, elevation, wind, mountain ranges) affect the region you live in.





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