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PROBLEM SOLVING CJ211: Unit 4 Seminar. Unit 4 Seminar Are there any questions about anything before we begin? *Unit 3 Discussion ? Community Policing.

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Presentation on theme: "PROBLEM SOLVING CJ211: Unit 4 Seminar. Unit 4 Seminar Are there any questions about anything before we begin? *Unit 3 Discussion ? Community Policing."— Presentation transcript:

1 PROBLEM SOLVING CJ211: Unit 4 Seminar

2 Unit 4 Seminar Are there any questions about anything before we begin? *Unit 3 Discussion ? Community Policing SARA Model Forensic Science Poll Questions

3 Louisville, Kentucky Police Department What is community policing?

4 Community Policing Long-term process that involves fundamental institutional change Role from crime fighter to problem solver Decentralized organizational structure and changes in recruiting, training, evaluations, promotions Break away from incident-driven policing Was seen as unfriendly places More areas open to the public Traditional versus Community Policing: Questions and Answers, Page 166, Table 6-1

5 Problem Oriented Policing (POP) Problem solving is not new Routine application of problem-solving techniques are new Problem solving can be applied by officers throughout the agency Routine problem-solving efforts can be effective in reducing or resolving problems Problem-orienting policing (POP) was grounded on different principles than COP, but they are complimentary POP advocates that police examine underlying causes of recurring crime

6 Will police executives change the culture of their agency Police Unions support Implement the concept Decentralize (pushing decision making downward) Invest in necessary technology Develop mechanisms to support COPPS Recruitment, selection, training, performance appraisals, rewards Costs Develop partnerships with the community Mid-2000 funding provided to approximately 82% of Police Departments 1994-01, Federal Office of COPS, created by the Enforcement Act 1994, spent approx. 9 billion to help police agencies implement COPPS Challenges To Community-Oriented Policing

7 Challenges How many agencies made a commitment to community policing? How many agencies have demonstrated the link between community policing and the quality of the communities they serve? How many agencies embraced community policing just to gain a share of the available federal dollars? Will community policing endure without Federal Funding?

8 What is SARA?

9 SARA Four-stage problem-solving process 1. Scanning – Behaviors – Locations – People – Time – Events – Primary purpose of scanning is to conduct a preliminary inquiry to determine if a problem does exist

10 SARA 2. Analysis – The heart of the problem-solving process – Learn as much as possible about the problem to identify causes – Identifying seriousness of the problem – Knowing all the individuals involved and affected – Listing all the causes of the problem – Assessing current responses and their effectiveness – Several methods developed for analyzing Problem-analysis triangle The use of crime-mapping and offense reports The analysis of CFS The use of community surveys

11 SARA Problem solvers should review their findings about the three sides of the crime triangle – victims, offenders, and locations 3. Response – The ultimate challenge in POP – The search for the most effective way of dealing with the problem – Focuses on developing and implementing responses to problem

12 SARA 4. Assessment – Officers evaluate the effectiveness of their responses – Reduced instances of repeat victimization – Decreases in related crime or incidents – Neighborhood indicators – Reduced citizen fear related to the problem

13 What does forensics and criminalistics mean?

14 Forensics and Criminalistics Forensic science  The examination, evaluation, and explanation of physical evidence in law Criminalistics  One branch of forensic science  Deals with the study of physical evidence related to crime

15 Forensics and Criminalistics Types of information physical evidence can provide 1. Information on the corpus delicti 2. Information on the modus operandi 3. Linking of suspect with a victim 4. Linking of a person to a crime scene 5. Disproving or supporting a witness’s testimony 6. Identification of a suspect Take A Break In Unit: Review PowerPoints for Chapters 6 and 7

16 Wrap Up Yes, it is that time again. Thanks for attending and staying focused. Missing assignments Complete Seminar Discussion Quiz Reminder, there is no seminar for Unit 5, this is Mid- term week Need anything let me know I will stay online to answer questions

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