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Description To convince the audience events and experiences Narration appearance and feelings processes and relationships Exposition are interesting and.

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Presentation on theme: "Description To convince the audience events and experiences Narration appearance and feelings processes and relationships Exposition are interesting and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Description To convince the audience events and experiences Narration appearance and feelings processes and relationships Exposition are interesting and teamwork is significant Argumentation

2 Exposition It often answers the questions how? And why?

3 Exposition To explain by logic subject clarity details order specific

4 Contents 1.Illustration 2.Comparison and Contrast 3.Cause and Effect 4.Division and Classification 5.Definition 6.Sample Presentation

5 Illustration Examples Specific and typical, interesting and relevant Examples understand help your audience understand your point, convince help convince them of it interest add interest to your essay.

6 Examples Statement My aunt is a stingy person. Example Last night at my birthday party, my aunt only gave me a banana as my birthday present.

7 Comparison and Contrast Similarities and Differences

8 Comparison Contrast Subject-by-subject Point-by-point alikedifferent Comparison and Contrast block simple balanced alternative complex detailed

9 Comparison and Contrast 1. block comparison / block contrast ( 整体性比较 / 对比 ) A B 2. alternating comparison / alternating contrast ( 交替性比较 / 对比 ) A/B A/B A/B 3. analogy 比拟 A striking likeness B Simple Complex abstract

10 Sample 19 Study Beethoven and Lennon Transitions to emphasize similarities: like, likewise, similarly, in the same way, also, both, as, just as… Transitions to emphasize differences : instead, rather, than, unlike, however, but, although, in contrast …

11 One of the greatest musician Quite similar in certain ways Quite different in many ways Point : both men express the spirit of their time in their music Point : both men were social rebels to some extent Point : both men led to great leaps in the history of music Point :Beethoven’s way to success was much harder Point :Their ending were also very different although thus Their names are inscribed on the monument to the history of music

12 1. Multiple causes with a single effect 2. Multiple causes with multiple effects Cause and Effect Cause1 Effect Cause2 Cause3 e.g. High blood pressure, stress, obesity, and lack of exercise all contribute to heart disease.

13 1. Multiple causes with a single effect 2. Multiple causes with multiple effects Cause1 Cause2 Cause3 Effect1 Effect2 Effect3 e.g. An unstable economy, lack of food and clothing, and a complete mistrust of the government led to Chaos, domestic dispute and economic recession. Cause and Effect

14 Phenomenon statistics Why? Significance Analysis Cause Ⅱ Detail Cause Ⅰ Problem Thesis Conclusion reasons ⅠⅡⅢ … frame

15 According to official statistics, more than 10,000 people in the country were killed in car accidents last year. The increasing rate of car accidents can be attributed to three general causes. Mechanical problems of cars, such as faulty brakes, bald tires, and flat tires, contribute to the high rate of car accidents. Environmental problems, such as blind corners, narrow streets, heavy fog, slippery roads cause a significant number of disasters. Such errors of human problems as excessive speed and drunken driving are considered the major factor of the fatal accidents. If drivers had been careful, many needless slaughters in car accidents could have been avoided. With a subjunctive sentence, the paragraph makes the suggestion that drivers should be careful. Cause1 Cause2 Cause3 The topic sentence indicates that the paragraph focuses on the causes. Describes the phenomenon

16 1 Because of 2 Now that 3 Owing to 4 Due to 5 Thanks to 6 Out of 7 Be responsible for 8 Result from 9 Follow from 10 A consequence of cause 1 Consequently 2 Accordingly 3 So as to 4 Hence 5 Have an effect on 6 Result in 7 It follow that 8 Lead to 9 Contribute to 10 Attribute to effect Expressions

17 Division ( 分类法) Orchestra 管弦乐队 Strings 弦乐器 Woodwinds 笛子类乐器 Brass 铜管乐器 Percussion 打击乐器 Division — to deal with one thing; to separate the whole into parts. Emphasize on distinctions or differences

18 Romance Movies Comedy ActionHorrorAnimation Classification( 归类法) Classification—to organize things that share certain qualities; to group things systematically. Emphasize on similarities

19 Definition 1. Tells readers what term is being defined. 2. Presents a clear and precise basic definition. 3. Uses examples to show what the writer means. 4. Uses words and examples that readers will understand. home warmth, shelter, parents, comfort, safety the place where one lives Denotation Connotation SynonymSentenceParagraphessay

20 14 - 20 Definition STATEMENT Many students behave like zombies. DEFINITION Student “zombies” are the ones who walk into class late, without books or papers, and sit in the very last row of class listening to music.

21 Sample Presentation

22 Sample21: Why I Want a Wife Structure Causes Typical Examples Purpose

23 Sample 24 Practical and Poetic People

24 Sample30 What is Poverty?

25 Group Presentation: 1. Three words and one sentence 2. Try one food and make a “how-to” essay to introduce the eating steps. (alternative) 3. Make a comparison essay based on the topic sentence “The qualities of a good writer mirror the qualities of a good dancer.” (alternative)

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