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Revision consist of puzzle (be in a puzzle about; be puzzled with; puzzle over) 1.There is no need to do something. There is no use to do something. 2.debate.

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Presentation on theme: "Revision consist of puzzle (be in a puzzle about; be puzzled with; puzzle over) 1.There is no need to do something. There is no use to do something. 2.debate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Revision consist of puzzle (be in a puzzle about; be puzzled with; puzzle over) 1.There is no need to do something. There is no use to do something. 2.debate about something with somebody 3.clarify vt. 4.refer to:talk of ;talk about one’s surprise, +sentence 6.instead of, (take the place of… ) 7. just as

2 8.break away, break away from,(break down, break off, break into, break out, break up) work together ( work well, work in/ into, work at something, work out, work one’s will on/upon somebody) 10.for convenience, +sentence (at one’s convenience) 11.attraction, (attraction of gravity, hold a…/little/no attraction for somebody)

3 Part1 Part2 Part3 (Para.2--5) (Para.1) (Para.6) States the topic to be examined in the reading text. Explains how the UK came about, the differences between the four countries and between three zones of England. Explains the important role London plays as a cultural political center of the UK. Analyse the text

4 Countries/ Capital of UK Information from the text England Wales The first country people think of when speaking of the UK and the largest of the four countries. It’s roughly divided into three zones: the South of England, Midlands and the North. The first country that was linked to England in the 13th century AD and it’s included when people refer to England.

5 Countries/ Capital of UK Information from the text Great Britain Northern Ireland The name given and used when England, Wales and Scotland were joined together, which took place in 1603,when Scotland King James became King of England and Wales. The Northern part of Ireland that was joined to the Great Britain to become the United Kingdom, which was showed to the world in the flag called Union Jack.

6 Countries/ Capital of UK Information from the text London Ireland The capital of the UK and England as well. It contains the greatest historical treasures of all, with its museums, art collections, theatres, parks and buildings. It has the oldest port, building and castle and it has been influenced by some invaders of London. The southern part of that country– Ireland or Southern Ireland, which broke away to form its own government and a country independent of Northern Ireland, which is part of the UK.

7 Write down a short summary of the passage The passage mainly clarifies how the UK developed as an administrative union and shows how England is divided into different zones according to its geographical position. It also explains how London was influenced by some invaders and turned out to be the cultural capital of England as wellas the UK. summary

8 1. How did the UK come about? First, there was England and then Wales joined to England in the 13th century AD. LAter on in 1603 when King James of Scotland became the King of England and Wales as well, Great Britain was formed peacefully including the three countries. Then they tried to get Ireland connected to form the United Kingdom but the southern part of Ireland broke away to its own government. That was how the UK came about. questions

9 2. What is the relationship between the Republic of Ireland and the Northern Ireland? At first the Republic of Ireland and the Northern Ireland were of the same country. But when the UK intended to get the country included into the union, the southern part broke away and formed its own government. So now the Republic of Ireland is an independent country while the Northern Ireland is part of the UK.

10 3. Why is London the capital of England, Great Britain and the UK as well? London was first the capital of England and then the capital of Great Britain and finally of the United Kingdom, because it embodied the greatest historical treasure of all.

11 4. What else do you know about London? Three out of four invaders or conquerors have influenced the city, making it the largest city of all as well as the historical, cultural, political and economic center. It has the oldeat prot built by Romans in the 1st century AD, the oldest building begun by the Anglo-Saxons in the 1060s and the oldest castle constructed by later Norman rulers in 1066.

12 5. How do the four countries of the UK work together and how do they differ? The four countries work together in some areas, for example, in international relations, woth the same money system and so on, but they are still different. For instance, England,Northern Ireland and Scotland have developed different educational and legal system as well as different football teams for competition like the World Cup.

13 6.What does the Union Jack show to you? The Union Jack shows the combination of the flags of three different countries: Cross of St George of England, Cross of St Andrew of Scotland and Cross of St Patrick of Ireland.

14 7. What is the typical geographical feature of England? England, the largest of the four countries, is divided roughly into three zones: the South of England, which is the zone nearest France, the Midlands, which is in the middle, and the North of England, which is the zone nearest Scotland. Most of the population settles in the South while most of large industrial cities lie in the Midlands and the North of England.

15 8.Where can you find more about British history and culture? We can find out more about British history and culture in older but smaller towns first built by the Romans. This part is over!

16 Analyse the text and fill in the following chart. CountryWhen it joined with or separated from each other England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland Republic of Ireland First Linked to England in the 13th century AD Connected with England and Wales to form Great Britain in 1603 Connected with Great Britain to form the UK later on Sepsrsted from the UK as a result of uprising for independence in1916

17 Retell the text: When people speak of the UK; England, Wales, Scotlandand Northern Ireland are often used. England and wales were linked together first, which happened in the 13th century AD. Then James,…… (to be continued)

18 Homework 1.Get ready to retell the text in your own words. 2.Go over “Learning about Language” 1, 2, 3 on pages 11 and 12. 3. Do “Discovering useful structures” 1 and 2 on pages 12 and 13.

19 When people speak of the UK; England, Wales, Scotlandand Northern Ireland are often used. England and wales were linked together first, which happened in the 13th century AD. Then James, Scotland King,united the three countries to form Great Britain in 1603 peacefully. Later on, the three countries intended to get Ireland connected to found the UK. However, the southern part broke away and formed its own government. So only Northern Ireland became part of the UK. The four countries, Answer

20 of which England is the largest, work together as a whole but they have developed different educational and legal systems. England can be roughly divided into three zones, the South of England, the Midlands and the North of England. London, the capital city of the UK, includes the greatest historical treasure of all with lots of museums, art collections, theatres, parks and buildings. Some early invaders have

21 Influenced it a lot from roads, towns, castles language, and so on to government. Visitors will find the evedence here and there around London if they keep their eyes open.

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