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Welcome to... A Game of X’s and O’s. Lobotomy Larry Reticular Ron Putamen Pat Amygdala Andie Scoreboard X O Trapezoid TravisHypothal - Hal Hippocampal.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to... A Game of X’s and O’s. Lobotomy Larry Reticular Ron Putamen Pat Amygdala Andie Scoreboard X O Trapezoid TravisHypothal - Hal Hippocampal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to... A Game of X’s and O’s

2 Lobotomy Larry Reticular Ron Putamen Pat Amygdala Andie Scoreboard X O Trapezoid TravisHypothal - Hal Hippocampal Henry Cerebellar Cedric Red Rita

3 1 What do Lesions to the Septal Region lead to?

4 1 Excessive Anger / Septal Rage Home

5 2 What symptoms would result in damage to the Substantia Nigra?

6 2 Parkinson’s symptoms/Tremor

7 3 The Anterior Thalamus processes information from which structures?

8 3 Info from G.P. & Cerebellum (topographic map to somatosensory cortex)

9 4 With which structure is the Amygdala is in direct contact?

10 4 Hippocampus

11 5 True or False: The Superior Colliculi are responsible for processing visual information only in organisms with little/no neocortex.

12 5 False: Processes peripheral vision in organisms with neocortex

13 6 Damage to the pyramidal tract can cause what symptoms?

14 6 Paralysis or Paresis - Implicated in voluntary movement

15 7 The ventral horns relay what type of signals?

16 7 Efferent - from brain

17 8 The Caudate nucleus includes which other structures?

18 8 Internal capsule, G.P., & Putamen

19 9 The red nucleus appears red because it contains large quantities of which substance?

20 9 Iron



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