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ESEA Directors Institute 2014ESEA Directors Institute 2014 Title I District Reservations.

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Presentation on theme: "ESEA Directors Institute 2014ESEA Directors Institute 2014 Title I District Reservations."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESEA Directors Institute 2014ESEA Directors Institute 2014 Title I District Reservations

2 Title I Set-Asides 2

3 Title I District Set-Asides 1) Mandatory District Set Asides 2) Optional District Set-Asides 3

4 LEA MUST Reserve or Set-aside  Homeless services for non-Title I schools  1% parental involvement  Administration: public and non-public school (or identify other resources)  Neglected & delinquent services if provided 4

5 5 Title I Set-Aside for Homeless  Title I requires a set aside to serve homeless students in non-Title schools  No required method for determining amount  No specific list of approved items except that funds must be used to support the academic achievement of the child

6 Set Aside for Parent Involvement  For LEAs with Part A allocations >$500,000  1% minimum reserved  Proportional amount to private students  95% of remainder to schools  5% of remainder kept at LEA  If above 1%, OK to keep at LEA level 6

7 Required Set Aside for Parent Involvement in ePlan  Required 1% is entered in the blue box below  Any additional amount being set aside (over the 1%) is entered in the Additional Parent Involvement section 7

8 Equitable Services for Non-public School Students 8

9 Equitable Services for Non-public Students 1) District-wide Instructional Programs 2) Parental Involvement 3) Instructional Services (PPA is put on PPA page, not set-aside page) 9

10 Reservation for District-wide Instruction  If LEA reserves for “district-wide instructional programs for public elementary and secondary”  Then proportional amount goes to nonpublic  34 CFR sect 200.64(a)(2)(i)(A) 10

11 Example  LEA reserves $500,000 for district-wide reading initiative  Of all low-income in LEA residing in participating attend areas, 5% are private  5% of $500,000 to private allocation 11

12 APPLIES TO:  Summer school  After school programs  Reading coaches  Professional Development DOES NOT APPLY TO:  Preschool  Services to only Focus and Priority Schools  Homeless set-aside 12

13 Example  LEA reserves 1% of $500,000 allocation for parental involvement, or $5,000.  Of all low-income families residing in participating attend area, 6% are private. Then 6% of $5,000 used for families of participating private school students. 13

14 LEA MAY Reserve:  Incentives to teachers in priority or focus schools  Professional development  Transportation for Choice  “other authorized activities” Summer school Preschool District-wide program Homeless budget for Title I schools 14

15 District Reservations  What reservations do you have in your district?  How were they decided? 15

16 District Reservations – Yes or No? 1) Coaches/Interventionists 2) PD 3) Salary and benefit differentials 4) Pre-K 5) Anticipated Carryover for upcoming year 6) Equipment 7) Substitute Teachers 8) RTI2 16


18 CONTACT 615-532-6297 18

19 19 FRAUD, WASTE or ABUSE Citizens and agencies are encouraged to report fraud, waste or abuse in State and Local government. NOTICE: This agency is a recipient of taxpayer funding. If you observe an agency director or employee engaging in any activity which you consider to be illegal, improper or wasteful, please call the state Comptroller’s toll-free Hotline: 1-800-232-5454 Notifications can also be submitted electronically at:


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