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 The CIO of ___ has required the aggregation of similar Information Technology programs across the 22 components to join into a single cohesive program.

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Presentation on theme: " The CIO of ___ has required the aggregation of similar Information Technology programs across the 22 components to join into a single cohesive program."— Presentation transcript:


2  The CIO of ___ has required the aggregation of similar Information Technology programs across the 22 components to join into a single cohesive program.  To support a cohesive program, ___ has mandated each of the 22 components reconfigure their internal IP addressing network scheme. The new addressing network scheme is based off of ___ standards and IP addresses were provided by ___.  As a component of ___, ____ is required to provide a high level IP RE-Addressing Plan to ___. The IP RE-Addressing Plan (REAP) will detail how ____ will comply with migrating from it’s existing IP addressing scheme to the new ___ addressing scheme. 2

3  The purpose of this project is to establish an IP RE-Addressing plan (REAP) to migrate from ____’s current IP addressing scheme to the ___ provided IP addressing scheme. The following results will be achieved: ◦ Obtain buy in from the ____ stakeholders. ◦ Provide a migration schedule. ◦ Move from the current ___ networks to the __ network. ◦ Insure ____ mission is not jeopardized or impaired. Maintain performance and capabilities Non-disaster functions (Finance, procurement, HR, etc.) Disaster function activities. 3

4  The objective of this meeting is to: ◦ Provide the current status of the “Strawman” IP RE-Addressing plan (REAP). ◦ Discuss the first cut of the migration strategy, schedule, and resources as proposed by the _______ assembled team. ◦ Provide feedback on the suggested high level strategies. ◦ Obtain buy in support ◦ Commit Points of Contact (POC) in each of the identified areas. ◦ As a team, determine when an IP transition plan can be completed and submitted to ____ (taking into account the need to for OCIO to brief senior ____ management and obtain approval). 4

5 5  February 15 th – ____ Request ____ Request – “Provide a schedule for when components will be in compliance with ____ IP addressing schema. Components to meet internally with their own organizations and provide schedules for conversion to the ____ IP addressing schema”. ____ requests turn around of 1 week. ____ initially provides April 10 th submission date March 6 th – Meet with Team Leads ____ ____ transition team meets with SMEs.  March 22 nd – Meeting with ____ ___ Briefs ____ team  March 28 th – ________ team meets ________ transition team meets to discuss course of action  April 4 th – Strategy Session ____ ____ transition team puts together 5 step process to complete IP Transition  April 10 th – Brief Senior Management ____ IP Transition Team briefs Senior Management (Bob Fetter, Karl Neikirk)  April 18 th – Meet with Team Leads and discuss submission date  TBD – Provided new submission date  Submission Date of - TBD

6  IP Migration Plan Steps ◦ Reconfigure Routers (10. Network) Provide Design for 10.x network across ____ network  Consider Exit Strategy  Build Tiger team to review changes and resolve conflicts Allow 10.x network to route on networks Configure VLANS for 10.x network Reconfigure VOIP/Video ◦ Setup DNS Servers (Migrate Applications) Requirements Gathering Provide IP addresses to all servers/applications Rework applications if required Configure Workstations to use DNS server entries ◦ Setup DHCP on DNS servers From design, configure DHCP scope for 10.x network ◦ Pilot testing of single region (Proof of Concept) Select single region as test site Implement changes Document results and send to OCIO for approval to continue ◦ Cutover (Turn up routers, switches, VLAN standards, DNS, and DHCP severs) Establish teams to work with regions Resolve Security concerns as required Complete Cutover ◦ Operations and Maintenance 6

7  Determine Funds/Resources/Build Technical Committee ◦ Work with OCIO to produce OMB documents and obtain funding. ◦ Work with OCIO to obtain matrixed resources to be used on project. ◦ Build technical review committee to monitor all suggested changes and when changes to the network will occur.  Obtain Buy in from OCIO ◦ Brief senior management ◦ Brief OCIO ◦ Obtain Approval 7

8 8  Changes to the network can not occur during Hurricane season  Changes to network for finance, procurement, etc. will need to be coordinated with those groups to insure mission capability.  An exiting strategy will need to be factored in for each phase of the project to take into account disasters.  The below timeline is subject to change based off of team guidance and disasters.

9  4/18/06 – Brief Technical Leads  4/24/06 – Begin work with teams  5/4 & 5/5/06 – Bring all leads together and brief final overall plan (REAP)  5/8/06 – Brief Harry/Karl one final time  5/10/06 – Brief Rex  5/11/06 – Make Rex changes  5/12/06 – OCIO gets briefed  5/15/06 – 5/18/06 – OCIO briefs appropriate parties  5/19/06 – Make OCIO requested changes  5/19/06 – Have changes reviewed  5/22/06 – submit to ____ 9

10 10 Network Team Security (OCS) Web Services Applications Classified Sys MERS NPSC Regions SAT COM DISC Data Bases Special Programs GIS DNS Security Web Services Applications NPSC Regions DISC Data Bases Special Programs Badging (?) End Users? LMR FNARS DHCP Security NPSC Regions Data Bases LMR FNARS DISC End Users? Remote Users (OCS) FIREWALL/ Security Domains Security Web Services Applications Data Bases Remote Users DISC GIS External Links (Connections to other D&As Security Networking Applications End Users Help Desk Representatives from the 4 teams above

11 11

12  Funding – will have to prepare paperwork and obtain funding from OMB.  Resources – Will require contractor and existing ____ resources. Currently there are not enough ____ resources to successfully complete the project.  Security – reconfiguration of IP addressing scheme will impact OSC’s ability to monitor the firewalls, routers, and switches.  Possibly disruption of ____ mission due to complexity of project.  Classified Network needs to be reconfigured.  Tight timeframe to turn around plan  Hurricane and other natural disasters wreak havoc on schedule.  Complex/Large/Mission Critical systems - NEMIS  Sequencing of migration – region based, location by location, etc. 12

13  Obtain Buy In from Regions/Senior ____ management.  Needs to be reviewed by Barry and other senior members  Division requirements (Finance, procurement, HR, etc.)  Unidentified systems – there are systems not controlled by ____- IT which will require identification and migration.  Current workload – there are many other ____ initiatives occurring in conjunction with this project  Complexity – there are many stakeholders on this project; obtaining buy-in and cooperation will be a large task. 13

14 14 Required Funding Anticipated Cost Schedule and Work Breakdown Schedule Information Gathering: (4 Months) 22 Contractors$1.540 M Travel and Expenses $780 K Office Space (400 sq feet) $160 K TOTAL $2.48 M Feasibility Study (4 Months) 6 Contractors$420 K Office Space $160 K Expenses $25 K TOTAL$605 K Design Development (6 Months) 10 Contractors $612 K Office Space $240 K Misc. $40 K TOTAL$892 K Preparation (Router reconfiguration/ DNS stand up/ DHCP stand up: 6 Months) 10 Contractors$612 K Travel and Expenses $300 K Office Space $240 K Misc. $40 K TOTAL$1.192 M Cut Over (6 Months) 20 Contractors$2.040 M Travel and Expenses $1.0 M Office Space $240 K Misc. $50 K TOTAL $3.33 M PROJECT TOTAL: $8.5 M

15  This project is too large for the current ____ allocated staff members to successfully complete. Therefore existing ____ staff and contractors will be required.  Existing ____ Staff ◦ SIO Karl Neikirk (Interface to ____) ◦ Patrick Huntley (Technical Manager) ◦ Tim Putprush (Technical Writer) ◦ Robert Fetter (Senior Management) ◦ Christopher Lane (PMO) ◦ Regions - TBD ◦ Mount Weather – TBD ◦ Headquarters – TBD  Contractors ◦ TBD 15

16  Agree Project can proceed at the request of ____.  Work with staff to provide required funding. ◦ Provide staff from Darcy Bingham’s office to prepare OMB budget requests.  Obtain buy in from Senior ____ management. ◦ Insure all the risks and timeline information is provided to insure a proper understanding of the project.  Provide resources ◦ Obtain contractors to assist with implementation and ◦ Provide approval from regions/business units to use existing ____ resources.  Agree to timeframes.  Establish a technical review committee to review/monitor changes. 16

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