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Micro- and Macro- nutrients  Required for good health.

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Presentation on theme: "Micro- and Macro- nutrients  Required for good health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Micro- and Macro- nutrients  Required for good health

2 Micronutrients  Required in very small daily amounts (mg)  < 0.005% body weight  Do not produce energy (like water)  Co-factors with enzymes  Vitamins and trace minerals (Fe, Cu, F, Zn, I, B, Co, Mo)

3 Macronutrients  Required in larger amounts (> 0.005% body weight)  Proteins  Fats  Carbohydrates  Minerals (Na, Mg, K, Ca, P, S, Cl)

4 Vitamins  Required for metabolism, good health and proper growth  Help in formation of blood cells, hormones nervous tissue  Fat soluble or water soluble  Only Vitamin D can be synthesised by body

5 Vitamin A (retinol)  Fat soluble primary alcohol  Can be stored in body’s fat, therfore not needed to be eaten every day  Light sensitive (conjugated system)  Required in production of rhodopsin (in rods of retina)  Can change conformation of molecules

6 Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)  Water Soluble  Note hydrogen attached to electronegative O.  Can hydrogen bond to water  Cannot be stored in body fat  Regular intake is required

7 Vitamin D  Fat or water soluble ?  Fat soluble  Body can synthesise it

8 Causes of nutrient deficiencies  Income disparities  Poor eating habits  Limited food supply  Famine  Malnutrition not helped by poor sanitation, lack of health sevices, poor literacy rates

9 Examples of Micro-nutrient deficiencies  Anaemia  Goitre  Xerophthalmia  Pellagra  Beriberi  Scurvy  Rickets  (take notes using page 342)

10 Examplesof Macronutrient deficiencies  Marasmus  Kwashiorkor  Edema  Fatigue  Decreased immunity  Osteoporosis  Cramps

11 Solutions to vitamin deficiency  Food rations  Adding nutrients to food  Genetic modification  Nutritional supplements  Selenium supplements  Iron rich food

12 Questions  Page 360

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