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Exegesis- Putting it all together Text and Traditions Unit 1 Catholic Regional College, Melton.

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Presentation on theme: "Exegesis- Putting it all together Text and Traditions Unit 1 Catholic Regional College, Melton."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exegesis- Putting it all together Text and Traditions Unit 1 Catholic Regional College, Melton.

2 The Steps We have now done the steps needed for an exegesis. These include ► Text Criticism- looking at the footnotes to determine any problems with the text ► Form Criticism- Deciding upon the genre of the text, and determining the genre and sitz im leben

3 The steps ► Historical Criticism- Looking for any mentions of historical places or events in the text. ► The meaning of the pericope. ► Following is an example of the process. It is brief and the expectation will be students give more detail in their products.

4 e.g. Text Criticism Bible reference Word/term and alternate rendering Mark 3:13 Twelve: Other ancient authorities add “whom also he named apostles” Mark 3:32 Brethren: Other early authorities also add “and your sisters”

5 Key Terms Key Term: Pharisee A Pharisee is … Key term: Sadducee A Sadducee is… Key term: The Jerusalem temple The Jerusalem temple was…

6 e.g. Form criticism ► The form/genre of this pericope is of a gospel. ► It was written in approximately 70 AD. ► It was probably written in Rome.

7 Analysis of the pericope Who? (Who are the characters in the pericope? Is the pericope talking about someone particular? Who is/are the main character?) The pericope mentions Jesus, the lame man, and a group of Pharisees What? (What happens in the pericope? What is the main theme?) Jesus heals the lame man and gives a speech about the Kingdom of God. When? (When does the event/speech happen? When is it in the gospel story?) The event happens in chapter 3, just after Jesus give a parable of the widows mite, and just before Jesus heads to Jerusalem Where? (Where does the event/speech take place? Is there significance to the location?) The event happens in Caeserea Phillipi, a centre of pagan worship in the ancient Palestine. Why? Jesus uses the miracle to make the teaching point of the love of God…

8 Concept Map Pericope: MeaningsLiteraryHistorical Jerusalem destruction: Happened in 70AD when the Romans conquered The form is that of a poem and a gospel. Jesus means to show the people the importance of purity of heart and body Mark 10:12-19

9 Summary ► Now several TEEL based paragraphs should be written for a summary of your findings. At least a paragraph each for: 1) Text Criticism 2) Key terms 3) Analysis (who, what, when, etc) 4) The historical, literary, and meaning features (see concept map) 5) And a final understanding of the text.

10 Fin Catholic Regional College, Melton

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