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Level 3 Writing Bar Charts / Line Graphs Part 1 Information Transfer 1 Preparation Your class test for Information Transfer 1 is in Week 2. Get ready!

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Presentation on theme: "Level 3 Writing Bar Charts / Line Graphs Part 1 Information Transfer 1 Preparation Your class test for Information Transfer 1 is in Week 2. Get ready!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Level 3 Writing Bar Charts / Line Graphs Part 1 Information Transfer 1 Preparation Your class test for Information Transfer 1 is in Week 2. Get ready! For the test, you will have to write a report about a bar chart or line graph in just 20 minutes. You will have to write at least 150 words.


3 graph/chart what electricity water when/where overview of trends
1) Gapfill: Use information from the graph to complete the gaps in this report. 2) Paragraph organisation The bar chart shows the average cost per month of _____________, _____________ and cable television in Al Ain from 1980 to 2000 in UAE Dhs. As an overall trend, the cost of both _____________ and _____________ _____________ rose, while the cost of _____________ fell over the 20 year period. 1.______________________ 2.______________________ 3._________/____________ 4.______________________ graph/chart what electricity water when/where overview of trends electricity cable television water

4 Looking at the average monthly cost of electricity, it is clear to see that it increased over the 20 years. In 1980, it stood at about 70 Dhs. Then, from 1980 to 1985 it increased slightly to 80 Dhs. From 1985 to 1990 the cost of electricity fell moderately to approximately 50 Dhs, which was the lowest figure in the 20 years. After that, it rose dramatically to just under 140 Dhs in 2000. 1.______________________ ______________________ 2.______________________ Introduce topic, overview info again Description: - start - changes - end

5 Compare topic with Para 1 overview info again
Similarly, the cost of cable television went up during the same 20 years. It stood at just over 40 Dhs in Following this, it increased steadily to approximately 75 Dhs in Between 1990 and 1995 the average monthly cost of cable television remained constant. Finally, there was a moderate rise in costs to slightly over 100 Dhs in 2000, which was the highest in the 20 years. 1.______________________ ______________________ 2.______________________ Compare topic with Para 1 overview info again Description: - start - changes - end

6 Compare topic with Para 1 & Para 2, overview info again
Unlike the cost of electricity and cable television, there was an overall decrease in the cost of water. It started at 20 Dhs in 1980, after which it rose steadily to just over 40 Dhs in From 1985 to 1995 the monthly cost of water fluctuated up to a peak of slightly under 60 Dhs. Finally, in 2000, there was a moderate decrease in the cost of water to just under 20 Dhs, which was the lowest figure in the 20 years. 1.______________________ ______________________ 2.______________________ Compare topic with Para 1 & Para 2, overview info again Description: - start - changes - end


8 We use ADVERBS (following the verb) to describe to what extent (how much) the verb of change happened.

9 We use ADJECTIVES (before the noun) to describe to what extent (how much) the related nouns happened.







16 Listen to the sentences again and fill in the missing words:
Graph A In 1970, the number of cars __________ __________ 5. After that, the number __________ __________ __________ 50 in Finally, it __________ __________ 40 in 2000. Graph B In 1970, the number of cars __________ __________ 20. Then, from 1970 to 1980, it __________ __________ 40. In 1990, the number of cars __________ __________ 30. After that, in 2000, the number __________ back to 40.

17 Graph A In 1970, the number of cars stood at 5. After that, the number went up to 50 in Finally, it dropped to 40 in 2000. Graph B In 1970, the number of cars stood at 20. Then, from 1970 to 1980, it increased to 40. In 1990, the number of cars dropped to 30. After that, in 2000, the number rose back to 40. Graph C In 1970, the number of cars started at 60. From 1970 to 2000, there was a downwards fluctuation to 10. Graph D The number of cars stood at 20 in Then, there was an upward trend to 50 in From 1990 to 2000, the number of cars dropped from 50 to 40.

18 Graph E The number of cars began at 10 in From 1970 to 1980, it increased and peaked at 60 in In 2000, the number of cars reduced to 30. Graph F In 1970, the number of cars began at 40. The number plateaued at 60 between 1980 and Finally, the number in 2000 was 20. Graph G The number of cars began at 60 in Then, there was a decline in the number of cars to 40 in This figure leveled out at 40 for the next 20 years. Graph H The number of cars started at 10 in Then, from 1980, it remained constant for the next 10 years at 30. It then fluctuated upwards to 60 in 2000.


20 Change the following from (verb + adverb) to (there was a + adjective + noun)
Exports from Africa fluctuated dramatically throughout the period. __________________________________________________________________________ Change the following from (there was a + adjective + noun) to (verb + adverb) There was a rapid rise in the price of food in third world countries. __________________________________________________________________________


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