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Intermediate Mathematics Transition to the Common Core Kay B. Sammons John SanGiovanni.

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Presentation on theme: "Intermediate Mathematics Transition to the Common Core Kay B. Sammons John SanGiovanni."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intermediate Mathematics Transition to the Common Core Kay B. Sammons John SanGiovanni

2 What’s Best for Students We are replacing quarter 4 SC objectives (3-5) with HCPSS transition units to prepare students for Common Core instruction next year.

3 Why Is This Best for Students? Limit transition gaps of intermediate students Current 4 th quarter objectives are based on a March to March sequence MSA will have been given prior to 4 th quarter.

4 Why Is This Best for Teachers? Lessens amount of time “filling in gaps” or “catching up” MSA will have been administered. Provides an opportunity to get familiar with content and pedagogy before implementation next year

5 Impacts Elimination of Part 3 Assessment in grades 3-5 Communication with Teachers – Modules 3 and 4 – Focus group Communication with Parents – Newsletters – School websites – Letter home

6 Grade 3 Transition Units Unit 1: Whole Number Operations – Fluency (x/÷ facts, multi-digit +/-) – Problem solving and application of number Unit 2: Fractions – Conceptual understanding (number line, unit fractions, fraction sense) – Equivalency

7 Grade 4 Transition Units Unit 1: Whole Number Operations – Fluency ( multi-digit +/-/x /÷) – Problem solving and application Unit 2: Fractions – Conceptual understanding – Equivalency – Addition and Subtraction Unit 3: Decimals – Conceptual Understanding – Operations (addition and subtraction)

8 Grade 5 Transition Units Unit 1: Fractions – Conceptual Understanding and Application – Equivalency – Operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication) Unit 2: Decimals – Conceptual understanding – Operational fluency (+, -, x, ÷) – Problem solving and application – Whole number exponents

9 Lesson Seeds will be provided electronically. Timing will be based on individual student and class needs. Unit tests for Quarter 4 do not align Module 4 – resources that exist in your building to support Quarter 4 units. – Ideas for assessing student learning will be discussed. Unit tests will not be provided.

10 Questions

11 Resource to Share Mastering the Basic Facts Multiplication and Division

12 How might you solve this? List 3 strategies your students might use to solve this problem. 156 - 119

13 Adjusting with Subtraction

14 Adjusting What is the difference? What happens if I add more to each tower? 7 10

15 Adjusting What is the new expression? How did it affect the difference? 7+1=8 10+1=11

16 Adjusting What is the new expression? How did it affect the difference? 7+2= 9 10+2= 12

17 Adjusting What is the new expression? How did it affect the difference? Continue to add blocks and write the new expression. Find the difference until you have added 5 more blocks to the minuend and the subtrahend. What math rule can you generate?

18 Adjusting What is the difference? What happens if I take one away from each tower?

19 Adjusting What is the difference? What happens if I take one away? 6 =7-1 9 =10-1

20 Adjusting What is the difference? What happens if I take one away? Does the same math rule apply if you take the same amount away?

21 Next step with your class. Present a problem in context. Sam and Jane have 83 points all together. Jane has 56 points. How many points does Sam have? Work with a partner to create 10 different equations that will have the same difference. Choose which problem is easiest to solve? Be ready to justify your thinking. Share with the class.

22 How does this information help me? Look at the following problem. 4000 -1725 Adjust each by taking one away. You now have 3,999- 1,724. You can do that problem in your head!

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