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Revolutions in Russia Totalitarianism Unit 7, SSWH 17 b.

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1 Revolutions in Russia Totalitarianism Unit 7, SSWH 17 b

2 Czars & Autocratic Rule Government censors written criticism; secret police monitor schools Non-Russians living in Russia are treated harshly Jews become target of gov. - backed pogroms (mob violence)

3 Revolutionary Movement Grows Industrialization breeds discontent over working conditions, wages Growing popularity of Marxist idea that the proletariat (workers) will rule Bolsheviks—Marxists who favor revolution by a small committed group: Lenin—Bolshevik leader

4 Bloody Sunday: The Revolution of 1905 - workers demand reforms Army fires into the crowd, killing many Massacre leads to widespread unrest; Czar Nicholas forced to make reforms

5 WWI: The Final Blow Heavy losses in WWI reveal govt’s weakness Nicholas goes to war front; Czarina Alexandra runs govt Army losing effectiveness; people hungry & unhappy

6 Czar Steps Down March (Bolshevik) Revolution— Nicholas abdicates throne In November 1917, workers take control of the govt.

7 Bolsheviks in Power Lenin gives land to peasants, puts workers in control of factories Bolsheviks sign treaty with Germany; Russia out of WWI Civil War between Bolsheviks’ Red Army & loosely allied White Army

8 New Economic Policy Political Reforms - country renamed Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) NEP & peace restore economy shattered by war & revolution Lenin creates self-governing republics under national government Communist Party—new name taken by Bolsheviks from writings of Marx

9 New Leader Joseph Stalin—cold, hard Communist Party general secretary in 1922 Lenin dies in 1924, Stalin gains complete control in 1928 Totalitarianism—govt that dominates every aspect of life

10 Police Terror, Indoctrination, Censorship, Religious Persecution Govt uses police to spy on & intimidate Govt shapes people’s minds through slanted education Govt controls all mass media, crushes opposing views Govt attacks Russian Orthodox Church, loss of rights

11 Stalin Builds a Totalitarian State Police State – Great Purge Terror campaign against Stalin’s perceived enemies By the end of 1938, Stalin in complete control; 8–13 million dead

12 New Economic System, Industrial & Agricultural Revolution Command economy—government makes all economic decisions Five-Year Plans—Stalin’s plans for developing the economy Result: large growth in industrial power; shortage of consumer goods

13 In 1928, government creates collective farms—large, owned by state Peasants resist this change; 5–10 million die in crackdown By 1938, agricultural production rising

14 Total Control Achieved – Stalin transformed Soviet Union by mid-1930s Totalitarian regime: industrial & political power, controls all aspects of Soviet life: -unopposed dictator -rules by terror instead of constitutional government -demands conformity, obedience

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