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Youth Taking Action Environmental Challenge ADD NAME OF YTA TEAM Action Plan ______________________________________ Proposed by: YTA TEAM _______________________________________.

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Presentation on theme: "Youth Taking Action Environmental Challenge ADD NAME OF YTA TEAM Action Plan ______________________________________ Proposed by: YTA TEAM _______________________________________."— Presentation transcript:

1 Youth Taking Action Environmental Challenge ADD NAME OF YTA TEAM Action Plan ______________________________________ Proposed by: YTA TEAM _______________________________________ Reviewed by: U.S. Forest Service Representative Date: _________________________________

2 Introduction What is the environmental issue? Why did the team choose this issue? What do you think is the cause?

3 Goals Explain the YTA Team goals for the environmental challenge. The environmental issue is associated with Challenge 1, 2, 3, or 4?

4 Objectives Explain the YTA team objectives by stating specific steps you will take to accomplish your goals.

5 Project Planning Explain how you planned the project, organize the YTA team and implemented the project.

6 Project Evaluation Was the YTA Team project a success? What did you learn from your experience?

7 Action Plan Handle With Care: Working Together to Care for Alabama’s Environment TARGET DATEACTIVITY PURPOSE RESPONSIBILITYACCOMPLISHED

8 Support Materials Add images from your project here. (Please sign the model release form if you are interested in the agency using images on the website or in publications. Add flyers, letters or handouts that were used to generate interest in your project.

9 Support Materials (continued) Add images from your project here? (Please sign the model release form if you are interested in the agency using images on the website or in publication. Add flyers, letters or handouts that were used to generate interest in your project.

10 Support Materials (continued) Add images from your project here? (Please sign the model release form if you are interested in the agency using images on the website or in publication. Add flyers, letters or handouts that were used to generate interest in your project.

11 Publicity The National Forests in Alabama Public Affairs Unit would like to publicize your project. Please inform us if you are interested by emailing

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