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1 CM 220 Unit 4 Seminar: APA Citation General Education, Composition Kaplan University.

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1 1 CM 220 Unit 4 Seminar: APA Citation General Education, Composition Kaplan University

2 Agenda Unit 4 overview Discussion of finding/using sources, APA citation, & plagiarism Unit 5 preview 2

3 Unit 4 activities Reading: Introduction to unit; The Kaplan Guide to Successful Writing, chapters 11-12; Ceil Pillsbury article Quiz: Interactive quiz on plagiarism, citation, paraphrasing/quoting/summarizing Invention Lab: Find a credible research article related to your big idea, write an APA citation for that source, and paraphrase a key point from the article. Project: Pre-interview worksheet and comparison/contrast of 2-3 sources relating to and challenging your big idea 3

4 Where do you find CREDIBLE SOURCES? 4 By definition, what is a CREDIBLE SOURCE?

5 Credible Sources Library databases Online journals (http://www.wholeag mic_databases.html) 5 Look for sources with known expert authors, reputable publishers, cited sources Avoid,, and other sources without well- documented expert authors & current dates

6 How should you use outside sources within your essay? 6

7 Using those Sources Remember that sources help YOU to defend YOUR ideas. That means you should first begin with YOUR ideas. Consider drafting without any sources and then adding sources to help defend, develop and explore your ideas. Avoid simply cutting and pasting information from sources. Do not fill your papers with source information for the sake of filling up space-use information that is directly relevant to your argument. If it is not relevant, do not use it. Interact with and analyze source information – Aim for the 80/20 rule 7


9 PARAPHRASING Taking source ideas and translating them into your own language, vocabulary, and sentence structure The source’s meaning and ideas are not changed Paraphrasing does not simply change a few words. A paraphrase is usually much shorter than the original source. Paraphrases must be cited 9

10 What do you know about APA CITATION? 10

11 APA: A Refresher American Psychological Association: Standard for writing that is widely used by writers in the social sciences, education, business and psychology. Most Kaplan courses require it. Guides the layout of the document Requires parenthetical citations in the body of the essay Uses a reference page with full citations for each source cited in-text Exception: Interviews or other personal communications that cannot be retrieved are only cited in-text 11

12 APA—6 th edition New edition—number 6--has some slight differences from the 5 th edition The Writing Center has posted new documents & videos that reflect these changes Main changes: 1.DOI for articles from online databases 2.Title page For a video showing how to set up your document, see this link: g/media/50487d39-0472-4db4-a96c-ee7cb86ba03c g/media/50487d39-0472-4db4-a96c-ee7cb86ba03c 12

13 Sample Title Page Running head: LEGALIZING MARIJUANA 1 Legalizing Marijuana Kate Smith Kaplan University CM 220-32 Professor Morris-Jones April 14, 2011 13

14 IN TEXT CITATIONS Requires two or three pieces of information:  Author’s last name  Year  Page or paragraph number (required for direct quotes only) (Thompson, 2007) (Thompson, 2007, p. 345) OR (Thompson, 2007, ¶ 4) A survey by the Census Bureau indicates that half of American households have a computer (Thompson, 2007). According to Thompson (2007), “50 percent of the population have computers” (p. 345). 14

15 Sample References Page Roll the credits 5 References About APA style. (2006). Retrieved January 2, 2007, from APA Web site: Landau, J., Druen, P., & Arcuri, J. (2002). Methods for helping students avoid plagiarism. Teaching of Psychology, 29(2), 112-115. Retrieved January 2, 2007, from Academic Search Premier. Segal, C. (2006). Copy this. Chronicle of Higher Education, 53(4), 54-54. Retrieved December 22, 2006, from Professional Development Collection. What you need to know about plagiarism. (2006). Retrieved December 22, 2006, from Kaplan University: Villano, M. (2006). Taking the work out of homework. T H E Journal, 33(15), 24-30. Retrieved January 2, 2007, from Professional Development Collection. 15

16 Journal Article from a Database Miller, W. (1969). Violent crimes in city gangs. Journal of Social Issues, 21(10), 1-28. doi:10.1037/0278-6133.24.2 Author. (year of publication). Title of article. Journal name, volume #(issue #), page number(s). doi: IN TEXT CITATION: (Miller, 1969). 16

17 Internet Source-author and date unknown The Stratocaster appreciation page. (n.d.). Retrieved July 27, 2009, from IN TEXT CITATION: (The Stratocaster appreciation page, n.d.). 17

18 PLAGIARISM WORKSHOP ORIGINAL: “One of the most damaging consequences of media’s images of women and men is that these images encourage us to perceive normal bodies and normal physical functions as problems. It’s understandable to wish we weighed a little more or less, had better developed muscles, and never had pimples or cramps. What is neither reasonable nor healthy, however, is to regard healthy, functional bodies as abnormal and unacceptable. Yet this is precisely the negative self-image cultivated by media portrayals of women and men.” Wood, Julia T. Our Body, Our Image: How the Media Hurts Our Sense of Self. New York: Longman, 1998. 18

19 PLAGIARISM WORKSHOP Is this plagiarism of that source? STUDENT VERSION ONE: A damaging consequence of media’s images of women and men is that these images encourage us to think of normal bodies and normal physical functions as problems. It’s totally understandable to wish we weighed a little more or less, had bigger muscles, and never had pimples or cramps. What is neither reasonable nor healthy, however, is to think of healthy, functional bodies as abnormal and unacceptable. But this is precisely the negative self-image cultivated by media portrayals of women and men. 19

20 PLAGIARISM WORKSHOP Is this plagiarism? STUDENT VERSION TWO A damaging consequence of media’s images of women and men is that these images encourage us to think of normal bodies and normal physical functions as problems. It’s totally understandable to wish we weighed a little more or less, had bigger muscles, and never had pimples or cramps. What is neither reasonable nor healthy, however, is to think of healthy, functional bodies as abnormal and unacceptable. But this is precisely the negative self-image cultivated by media portrayals of women and men (Wood). 20

21 PLAGIARISM WORKSHOP Is this plagiarism? STUDENT VERSION THREE: A damaging consequence of media’s images of women and men is that these images encourage us to think of normal bodies and normal physical functions as problems. As Julia T. Wood points out, “It’s understandable to wish we weighed a little more or less, had better developed muscles, and never had pimples or cramps“ (300). What is neither reasonable nor healthy, however, is to think of healthy, functional bodies as abnormal and unacceptable. But this is “precisely the negative self-image cultivated by media portrayals of women and men” (Wood 300). 21

22 PLAGIARISM WORKSHOP Is this plagiarism? STUDENT VERSION FOUR: A casual glance at any fashion magazine makes the point—we need to weigh less, have clearer skin, larger breasts if we are women, and more hair if we are men. As Julia T. Wood points out, media images “encourage us to perceive normal bodies and normal physical functions as problems” (1998, p. 300). This media-generated perception--that our perfectly normal bodies must be altered to be acceptable--is changing how we perceive our own bodies and negatively impacting our society (Wood, 1998). 22

23 Unit 5 Preview Reading: Introduction to unit; The Kaplan Guide to Successful Writing, chapters 7, 13, 14 (pp. 167-168) Invention Lab 1: Map ideas for draft Invention Lab 2: Formal and informal communications of big idea (letter to editor and post on Facebook, for example) Seminar: Organization and development of ideas for draft, audience, comparison of letters to the editor 23 Good night, Class!

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