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Twenty Questions Subject: Chapter 18 Intellectual Development from 7-12.

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2 Twenty Questions Subject: Chapter 18 Intellectual Development from 7-12

3 Twenty Questions 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920

4 1. At about 12 years of age, this actually decreases. Attention Span.

5 2. According to psychologist Jean Piaget, children ages 7-11 are in what period of learning? Concrete Operations.

6 3. When a child is able to think abstractly and see different sides of an issue, according to Piaget they are in what period of learning? Formal Operations.

7 4. A concept that an object has the same characteristics even if there is a change in the way it looks is what principle? Conservation.

8 5. Imagining a situation that might happen is known as what? hypothetical.

9 6. How are children in the concrete operations stage are able to classify objects? Sort items by 2 or more different characteristics.

10 7. Which theorist believed that children learn best independently after being given the necessary resources? Maria Montessori.

11 8. Which theorist believed children’s ability to learn is influenced by both biological development and cultural/social experience? Lev Vygotsky.

12 9. According to Howard Gardner, children who like to keep a personal journal, create a photo album & start a blog are stronger in what intelligence? Intrapersonal.

13 10. According to Robert Sternberg, there are what 3 types of intelligence? Analytical, Creative & Practical.

14 11. What language based type of learning is a more common form of instruction for older children? Direct learning.

15 12. What are used to help educators tell how students are performing intellectually when compared to other students? Standardized tests.

16 13. What are 3 characteristics of good standardized tests? Validity, reliability, practicality.

17 14. Which type of tests are used to measure what students have actually learned about a particular topic or subject? Achievement.

18 15. A child who loves building models is strong in what intelligence? Visual spatial.

19 16. At what age do children start to realize that they can know someone else’s point of view or predict what they are thinking? Eight.

20 17. What is the learning method where students observe and listen to one another while working in groups or pairs? Peer learning.

21 18. Who designs standardized tests for schools-- teachers or scientists? Both.

22 19. What type of tests measure a person’s talents or preferences? Aptitude & interest tests.

23 20. What is one criticism of standardized tests? Measure only a sample of student’s abilities, may be culturally biased, measures only one aspect of child on one specific day.

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