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C HAPTER 3 MOTIVATION. C ONTENTS I. Motivation Problems II. Motivation and Factors Influence It. III. How to Motivate to Change Academic Behavior?

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Presentation on theme: "C HAPTER 3 MOTIVATION. C ONTENTS I. Motivation Problems II. Motivation and Factors Influence It. III. How to Motivate to Change Academic Behavior?"— Presentation transcript:



3 C ONTENTS I. Motivation Problems II. Motivation and Factors Influence It. III. How to Motivate to Change Academic Behavior?

4 I. M OTIVATION P ROBLEMS Defensive Safe Hopeless Satisfied Anxious

5 I.1. D EFENSIVE Put energy into preventing anyone from interpreting the poor performance as evidence of lack of ability to be more motivated to avoid failure than to succeed - Ask several questions just to give impression - Dishonest about study time

6 I.2. S AFE Take courses that offer little challenge Don't want to take any risk Overstudy for every test Learn only what is told to learn

7 I.3. H OPELESS Very negative about ability Do not attempt to seek help because it is useless to try because nothing seems to work Have trouble sleeping

8 I.4. S ATISFIED Enjoy college life Spend too much time and effort in nonacademic areas Don't value academic accomplishments Satisfy with C grades

9 I.5. A NXIETY Constant worry Lack self-confidence Have trouble sleeping

10 II. M OTIVATION AND F ACTORS I NFLUENCE I T. II.1. What is motivation? II.2. Factors influence your motivation

11 II.1. W HAT IS MOTIVATED BEHAVIOR ? Choice of behavior Level of activity and involvement Persistence and management of effort

12 II.2. F ACTORS INFLUENCE MOTIVATION Personal and sociocultural factors Classroom Environment factors Internal factors

13 II.2.1.P ERSONAL AND SOCIOCULTURAL FACTORS Your past experiences Your family and cultural experiences Stereotype threat ( Ex 3.1)

14 E X.3.1. 1. B ạ n có thich tr ư ờ ng ph ổ thông không? 2. Khi còn h ọ c ph ổ thông, b ạ n có tham gia các ho ạ t đ ộ ng xã h ộ i c ủ a tr ư ờ ng không? 3. B ạ n có anh ch ị ho ặ c ng ư ờ i thân đ ã t ừ ng h ọ c đ ạ i h ọ c không? 4. Cha m ẹ b ạ n có mu ố n b ạ n h ọ c m ộ t ngành nào đ ó không? 5. B ạ n có t ự lo chi phí cho vi ệ c h ọ c c ủ a mình không? 6. B ạ n có đ i làm thêm không? 7. B ạ n có l ớ n tu ổ i h ơ n nh ữ ng sinh viên cùng l ớ p không? 8. B ạ n có t ừ ng g ặ p nh ữ ng sinh viên có cùng s ở thich/ đ am mê không? 9. B ạ n có kh ả n ă ng đ ố i phó nh ữ ng stress trong cu ộ c s ố ng sinh viên không?

15 II.2.2. C LASSROOM E NVIRONMENT FACTORS Quizzes/ Assignments Instructors Teaching methods Instructors’ assistance Classmates (Ex. 3.2)

16 E X.3.2 1. B ạ n có đư ợ c t ự do l ự a ch ọ n đ ề tài cho các bài assignment không? 2. Gi ả ng viên có cho b ạ n c ơ h ộ i đ ể th ả o lu ậ n trên l ớ p? 3. Có c ơ h ộ i nào đ ể làm vi ệ c nhóm không? 4. Giáo viên ho ặ c các tr ợ gi ả ng có s ẵ n lo ̀ ng giúp b ạ n không? 5. B ạ n có nh ư ̃ ng bu ổ i g ặ p g ỡ nào riêng v ớ i gi ả ng viên không? 6. Gi ả ng viên có cung c ấ p cho b ạ n nh ữ ng h ư ớ ng d ẫ n c ụ thê ̉ nh ữ ng gì s ẽ h ọ c không? 7. B ạ n có th ư ờ ng tham gia vào h ọ c nhóm không? 8. B ạ n có th ư ờ ng ng ồ i ở v ị trí d ễ nghe ho ặ c nhìn giáo viên không?

17 II.2.3. I NTERNAL FACTORS How do I value different academic courses or tasks? What are my goals? What is my goal orientation? Do I believe I can do well on different academic tasks? What are my causes of my success and failure? How do I feel about academic demands?

18 III. H OW TO M OTIVATE TO C HANGE A CADEMIC B EHAVIOR ? I can’t change I don’t want to change I don’t know what to change I don’t know how to change

19 E X : A TTRIBUTION I lack ability I didn’t feel well I wasn’t in the good mood I’m not interested in the task I don’t do well on tests The material was boring The test was unfair. I didn’t have enough time to study

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