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Migration and urban research Josef Kohlbacher and Ursula Reeger Institute for Urban and Regional Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Migration and urban research Josef Kohlbacher and Ursula Reeger Institute for Urban and Regional Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Migration and urban research Josef Kohlbacher and Ursula Reeger Institute for Urban and Regional Research

2 Migration and urban research At the ISR: Projects about migration and integration pertaining to urban research and projects with no such connection, In the following a selection of those with a connection to the city:  CLIP (ongoing)  interethnic neigbourhood (finished)  „guest worker houses“ (finished)  naturalization and housing situation (ongoing)

3 Migration and urban research CLIP: Network of European Cities for Local Integration Policies for Migrants, 2006 bis 2009  Funding: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions  5 European research institutes (efms, CEDEM, COMPAS, IMES, ISR)  Themes: modular structure  Including field visits in the cities under investigation  Compilation of comparative reports on the European level  Recommendations for National and European policy makers and  Recommendations for local policy makers

4 Migration and urban research At present: Module 1: Housing (residential segregation of migrant or ethnic minority groups in European cities and access of migrants to affordable and decent housing), 20 metropoles all over EU-25 and beyond Modul 2: Diversity policies in the city (expanded to 25 cities) Coming up: Modul 3: Inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogue Modul 4: Supporting entrepreneurship of migrants Up for discussion: health, education, labour market

5 Migration and urban research Interethnic neighbourship, 2005/2006 Goal: an analysis of the interrelations between socio-spatial milieus in three different housing categories and the contacts and conflicts in the context of interethnic neighbourship Focus not only on neighbouship relations between „locals“ and migrants, but also between migrants  of different origins,  with different social positions and  being naturalized or not. Empirical basis: official statistics, 111 half standardized interviews

6 Causers and causes of neighbourship conflicts in the dwelling Source: Survey 2005.

7 Migration and urban research House-wise survey of the housing situation of ex-yugoslav „guest workers“ in Vienna 1981 and 2005 (2005/2006) Basis: historic survey of 1981  data on 700 houses where yugoslav guest workers were living were collected  number of households, condition of the building (several indicators: façade, hallway, courtyard) What happened to these houses in the course of 25 years? Are they still there? Current status? Structure of the inhabitants? = Analysis of the residential distribution as well as the built environment


9 Migration and urban research Naturalization and the housing situation in Vienna (2006/2007) Basic question: Which influence does a possible naturalization have on the socio-spatial structure (location in the city) and the housing integration (standards etc.) of the population with a migration background.  comparison between naturalized migrants and those with a foreign citizenship Data: census (population and houses), microcensus

10 Persons from selected countries in private dwellings according to the standard of the flat, naturalized and non-naturalized, 2001 Quelle: Sonderauswertung von Statistik Austria, Volks-, Gebäude und Wohnungszählung 2001, eigene Berechnungen.

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