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The “Rural” Half of Bringing Earth Sciences to the Community via Outreach Opportunities Ron Metzger Southwestern Oregon Community College Coos Bay, Oregon.

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Presentation on theme: "The “Rural” Half of Bringing Earth Sciences to the Community via Outreach Opportunities Ron Metzger Southwestern Oregon Community College Coos Bay, Oregon."— Presentation transcript:

1 The “Rural” Half of Bringing Earth Sciences to the Community via Outreach Opportunities Ron Metzger Southwestern Oregon Community College Coos Bay, Oregon

2 Coos Bay: Definitely On The Leading Edge Community Outreach: Hopefully On the Cutting Edge

3 Southwestern Oregon Community College: Community is in the Name How do you make the Connections?  What is Available Locally?  Oregon Institute of Marine Biology  South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve  Bureau of Land Management  Methane Energy Corporation (previously)  Oregon Resources Corporation  Jordan Cove Energy  Oregon State Parks

4 Southwestern Oregon Community College: Community is in the Name How do you make the Connections?  What is Available Regionally?  University of Oregon (2 ½ hours)  Hatfield Marine Science Institute (2 hours)  Oregon Department of Geology & Mineral Industries (DOGAMI) Newport Office (2 hours)  Oregon State University (3 hours)  NOAA (Newport-2 hours?)

5 Overcoming Obstacles… For most of us: Time Find local geologists in the area and utilize their expertise: Coos Bay District BLM geologist Tim Barnes Tim taking strike & dip on October 10, 2009 field trip class

6 The Geology Lecture Series A variety of speakers and topics, keeps you, students and community engaged.

7 Making Connections… Going outside your discipline Working with Don Ivy-Cultural Resource Program Coordinator for the Coquille Indian Tribe on Elderhostel. Also as a student on the Lava Beds field class, bringing different Perspectives.

8 Workshops and Trainings  Docent Training-Shoreline Education for Awareness (SEA).  Trainings covering local geology-BLM, Park Staff.  Hosting events-Tsunami Workshops

9 Community Presence  Lectures at State Park Campgrounds  Talks On campus-Earth Science Week  Interviews with local media-TV, print  Local lectures-library series  School groups

10 Field Trip courses-a non-credit option for community involvement

11 Local stops-wave at Shore Acres State Park, Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area

12 The Key: Find a passion and reach out!! It benefits the community, your employer and yourself!

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