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HF UPGRADE PROJECT Y. Onel PM October 1 st 2012 1.

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1 HF UPGRADE PROJECT Y. Onel PM October 1 st 2012 1

2 Recent Highlights and News-I The PMT deliveries are now completed. The PMT and Base Boards System tests with a QIE system will be re- starting at CERN-904. We have approved the Base Board Production. (Reports from IOWA and CERN Tests are available). We have started with the board production. We tested 9 new boards and shipped to CERN last week. We have also received another set of 9 on last Friday and we will also ship these to CERN sometime next week. Worked on the New HV system and formed a committee to evaluate the RFP responses. Both power supplies (CAEN and Bulgarian) were tested and evaluated at CERN E-pool using professional equipment and high expertise level of pool technicians. I have formed a sub-committee to prepare this purchase thru CAEN and CERN E- pool and members are S.Lusin, German and Alexi. We have requested the necessary funds from the US -Upper management for this. We were asked to update our original resource loaded MSP file. We will work with Julie Whitmore and might also get a help from Terry Shaw to refine our schedule. We have also submitted our US funding request during LS1 operations. 2

3 Recent Highlights and News-II There is an agreement for a new cable purchases– Thanks Chris Tully, Jeremy Mans and Pawel De Barbaro for this. There is also a strong support from Austin and Magnus on this. Special thanks to Joel helping on this. HF new front end integration was presented by Ianos to the HCAL as well as to the CMS TC. The HF Electronics Packaging as well as the agreement within HCAL that we should pursue the Winchester Cables presented by Terry Shaw. Terry Shaw and Ianos have finalized the specs and we got the quotes from the company. The quotes are $50K more then estimated previously but we find this very reasonable after requesting changes to our original specs. IT IS CRUCIAL THAT THE US UPPER MANAGEMENTS GIVES US TO GO AHEAD FOR THIOS PURCHASE ASAP. Jeremy is working on this. We were reviewed by the USCMS on August 31 st. 3

4 PMT Deliveries We have all the PMT’s delivered and have the data---- our group is re- checking all the parameters of these characterization measurements. The DB loading was done by George and Garrett. The PMT's are shipped regularly to CERN. We have an automated shipping procedure from Iowa Shipping, Customs and CERN receiving. Several people are on this e-mail tracking program list from Iowa and CERN Site and monitoring the shipping and delivery. We stopped our shipping for about 2 weeks in August 6th since there was a concern at CERN receiving our PMT's securely. The total shipped PMT's to CERN on September 11 was 1117/1800. We are keep shipping daily from Iowa to CERN. Our last day of shipping from Iowa is on October 15th hence hoping to complete our 1800 PMT shipping task by that day. 4

5 HCAL MILESTONES HF PMT's are shipped to CERN 10/15/2012 HF PMT Boards QC testing 100% at Iowa 11/1/2012 All done, tested and delivered to CERN 12/7/2012 (expecting a delay for the production of the base and adaptor boards which includes 20% spares. However we expect that 216 will be available by January 10 to populate all of the ROBOXes). Sergey will receive the boards on Sep. 26, and have something ready in hand to send to Iowa on 27 th. (about 12 boards) Iowa will do a fast QC tests, so Oct. 02 they'll be shipped to CERN via International High Priority Fedex. After which: 25% - at CERN by Oct.31 50% - by Nov. 31 75% - by Jan. 10 100% - by Feb. 10 (Base boards will be delivered paired with Adapter boards). 5

6 PRODUCTION BASE BOARDS Boards ## 35-43 were received at Iowa on Sep. 28, 2012 Before that ## 25, 27-34 were received on Sep. 22, 2012 (and ## 1-8, 10-24 earlier around April (to Iowa or to CERN) The board # 9 is at FERMI, and they will ship board #26 with the next package. 6

7 CABLES We have our re-quote we have from Winchester. It is for $370K, which is about $50K over our original estimates. We believe it is a fair quote. We do not have engineering drawings yet and they will be sending a list of the changes to be implemented which we requested. These are all changes made to protect the cable connectors and contacts and ease the installation. Because it costs them engineering effort to update the drawings, they would like to get an indication from us that we are serious about the purchase this time around. 7

8 LS1 Cabling We planned to benefit from LS1 to do as much as possible to prepare HF for the future upgrade (multi-anode readout). During LS1 we target for the following objectives: Consolidation and clean up of cables and services. (~8 weeks) Includes removal of existing front end signal cables Includes the time spent on cables and services from other subsystems. Modification, preparation of HF structures for cable storage (~2 weeks) Prepare racks as much as possible for future electronics. (~1 week) Could be absorbed in consolidation step above (~8 weeks) Install new cables (~1 week/quadrant + 1 week for first one = 9 weeks) 8

9 New HV Purchase After considering the recommendation of the CMS HF HV Micro PRR Review, we decided to purchase the CAEN main frame SY4527 model in the first opportunity and if possible by the end of this month or latest during the CERN Pool purchases using the 2012 price list. We would also like to place an order for A1538D through CERN, even if we cannot do it directly now because there is no list price for the A1538D and the model it is not yet in the CERN-CAEN contract agreement. We will do it through an official CAEN offer for the equipment, and then CERN could negotiate with CAEN the inclusion of the model in the agreement, in a yearly based addendum. We will initially just buy one for testing, since the CAEN could deliver the first unit by the beginning of next year. We would like to make our request now for this and sign all other agreements with CAEN and CERN Pool as soon as possible. Our current thinking is to get the first A1538 as soon as possible and after testing it to decide between the A1538D only or A1538D+A1511B solution. During the LS1 testing we should be OK using the existing CAEN supplies and/or A1535 units (3.5KV-3mA) since we are not going to test the HF + or - at the same time nor more then 1/2 of the HF+ or - until July 2013 so we have a reasonable time window before we have the final modules in hand. 9

10 HV Installation We plan to finish HV power supplies installation by May 1 st, 2013 latest.This is based on the estimate that mid May could be the earliest to power the first HF quadrant. Also based on availability of CAEN PSUs. Alexi M. and + helper will finish the installation German M. will commission the new system with existing PVSS. ~1 week to do installation. ~1 week for commissioning. This planning assumes that the HF HV patch panel and interlock interfaces have been produced, tested, and ready for installation (as well as CAEN system). 10

11 Brazil The current list From Brazil is Rio-CBPF: Gilvan Alves, Maria Elena Pol, Marcos Correa, Thiago Martins, Mario Vaz Rio-UERJ: Alberto Santoro, Jorge Molina, Antonio Vilella, Helio Nogima, Dilson Damiao, Sandro Fonseca Sao Paulo-Unicamp: Edmilson Manganotte, Jose Chinellato 11

12 HF Schedule 12

13 Milestones 2012 HF UPGRADE PROJECT MILESTONS PMT Testing 50% Complete 1/1/2012 Production Readiness Review 1/12/2012 New YETS 2012 ROBOX manufactured, tested and installed in CMS 2/17/2012 New cable purchase decision 2 or 4 channel 7/1/2012 Start of CMS 2012 Shutdown 2/11/2013 Equip ROBOX test stands at SX5 1/26/2013 Gather Miscellaneous Hardware/Equipment for in-situ HF Testing in Garages 1/26/2013 Install Miscellaneous Hardware/Equipment for in-situ HF Testing in Garages 2/22/2013 HF Plus Moved into Garages 3/7/2013 TO BE CHECKED HCAL INTERNAL MILESTONES New HV system purchase decision 8/15/2012 HF PMT characterization and testing 100% done 10/1/2012 HF PMT's are shipped to CERN 10/15/2012 HF PMT Boards QC testing 100% at Iowa 11/1/2012 Start of the HF ROBOXes shipping to CERN 11/1/2012 HF PMT's are shipped to CERN 10/15/2012 13

14 PCB production 12x Jumper base board production/checking jumper board testing PCB production Board assembly/testing Testing and QC at Iowa First shipment of PCB's to CERN 50% board production done All done, tested and delivered to CERN 3/1/12 --- 4/15/12 4/15/12 ---5/15/12 5/15/12—6/15/12 6/15/12– 12/1/12 6/30/12 - 7/15/12 7/31/12 (Int. Milestone) 10/1/12 (Int. Milestone) 12/7/12 (Int. Milestone) SL SL, IS, AM SL MM, JC, DS, ZJ, GF, JK ZJ SL 14

15 PMT's Delivery dates at CERN Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8 05/15/12 06/01/12 06/15/12 07/01/12 08/01/12 08/14/12 09/01/12 09/14/12 15

16 Test stand setup Test new box ( set-up new ROB) Produce and assemble test equip Establish Testing Procedures Produce Test stand equipment AM Tests new Box New ROBOX at 904- operating Move New ROBOX to SX5 Test Stands at SX5—operating 4/23/12 - 5/15/12 3/31/12 - 6/30/12 4/23/12 - 7/31/12 4/15-6/30 5/15 - 6/7/12 7/31/12 - 8/31/12 1/26/13 2/28/13 IS, AM IS, MF, PD, TK AM, IS, AP IS, MF, PD, TK AM, HB, EB AM, IS, AP, GA, YG AM, IS, AP, GA, YG, SD, YOz, FO, SS, SC, NB Adding two students Marcos and Thiago from Brazil. 16

17 ROB mechanics Finalize Shield dimensions All materials ordered Start shipment to CERN CERN P5 Setup HF+ mechanics pre-assembly ROB Completion Dates 25% completion 50% completion 75% completion 100% completion Production contingency 04/01/12 - 05/14/12 09/15/12 11/14/12 - 12/01/12? 12/1/12 - 03/01/13 05/01/12 - 06/31/12 07/01/12 - 08/31/12 09/01/12 - 10/31/12 11/01/12 - 12/21/12 12/22/12 - 02/28/13 ZJ, ET, GF, JC, JK, DS Olga, TK, PD, (+2 crews x2) 17

18 18 Assembly and Testing Base board population learning/training Populate and test baseboards HF+ Q1 (27) HF+ Q2 (54) HF+ Q3 (81) HF+ Q4 (108) HF- Q1 (135) HF- Q2 (162) HF- Q3 (189) HF- Q4 (216) 07/31/12 - 08/21/12 08/22/12 - 09/07/12 09/07/12 - 09/22/12 09/22/12 - 10/07/12 10/07/12 - 10/22/12 10/22/12 - 11/07/12 11/07/12 - 11/22/12 11/22/12 - 12/07/12 12/07/12 - 12/22/12 AM, IS, DK, MK, OK AM, IS, FO, EA, MK, OK, EE, OO, BU, MY, SD, YOz, HO, KD

19 Activities on HF (HF+ HF-) HF + HF+ ROB’s out Disassemble Reassemble + testing “Integration”/commissioning HF+ Up HF - HF- ROB’s out Disassemble Reassemble + testing “Integration”/commissioning HF- Up 2/11/13 - 02/25/13 2/26/13 – 4/12/13 4/13/13 – 2/1/14 3/1/14 – 5/1/14 9/10/14 - 9/21/14 2/26/13 – 3/27/13 3/28/13 – 5/31/13 6/01/13 – 3/1/14 3/1/14 – 5/1/14 9/18/14 – 9/30/14 19 ~4 months contingency

20 Integration group -Milestones LS1 CMS Open 2/11/13 -11/24/14 CMS Ready for Beam 11/24/14 HF PMT replacement 2/27/13 – 3/25/14 HF out of Garage 7/23/14 - 7/23/14 HF Down after MMT 8/20/14 – 9/02/14 HF +Z Up 9/10/14 9/21/14 HF –Z Up 9/18/14 – 9/30/14 20

21 Gantt Chart Integration group 21

22 TC Schedule LS1 22 DateTask 2/11/13Install HFs tracking system 2/11/13Remove HF strain sensor fibers 2/18/13Open HF+ T2 BSC PLT 2/19/13Prepare+lower HF+on 3 risers 2/20/13lower HF+ to ground level 2/20/13Open HF- T2, BSC +prepare for lowering 2/21/13lower HF- to ground level 2/21/13lower HF on 2 risers 2/25/13Move HF+ in garage 2/27/13Move HF- in garage 2/27/13Replace HF pmts 3/12/14Insert HF/CT2-Z BP 8/20/14Lower HF-Z 9/11/14Bring HF-Z to normal position + install T1-Z 11/5/14CMS ready for beam

23 23

24 HF Schedule Gantt Chart 24

25 HF Upgrade Project Funding FY 2013 We provided an excel file describing of our request for the LS1 operations and the details of new HV system cost estimate. Need new HV budgeted in the project files Need new cables budgeted in the project files Need a minimum of 200 additional PMT’s to meet DOE “Spare” 15% guidelines LS1 2013-14 ( US and International collaborators ??) 25

26 Backup-I 26

27 ROB with new adapter boards and recessed connectors 27

28 Components of new design 28 Kapton insulator Plate2 (G-10) Plate1 (Grade XX Garolite) New signal connectors and/or connector support Sleeve Upgrade HF ROBOX PMT + socket Base board + adapter board Shield

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