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Motivating Adult Learners Kimberly Arlia CPCC Central Piedmont Community College.

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Presentation on theme: "Motivating Adult Learners Kimberly Arlia CPCC Central Piedmont Community College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Motivating Adult Learners Kimberly Arlia CPCC Central Piedmont Community College

2 Define Adult Learners  List what determine who is considered an adult learner.  Shots of learners in the classroom and at hoe on the computer.

3 Define Motivation  List various types of motivation.  Shots of carrot and stick versus whip.

4 Importance of Motivation  Why is it important to motivate adult learners?  Aren’t Adults already self motivated?

5 Motivational Theories  Cognitive Dissonance Theory  Expectancy Theory  Maslow’s Theory  Extrinsic Motivation  Intrinsic Motivation  Goal Setting Motivation

6 Keys to Motivate Adult Learners  Open positive environment  Relevant work  Frequent feedback  Create community  Challenging work but balanced with skill level

7 Motivational Strategies  Mentoring program  Peer modeling  Offer support  Create strategies to mitigate low performance  Collaboration

8 Guest Speaker Intro  Credentials  Achievements

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