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Hanna: Good morning, everyone. Our guest today is Daniel Reed, a famous motivational speaker who is going to tell us about how to _________ success. achieve.

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Presentation on theme: "Hanna: Good morning, everyone. Our guest today is Daniel Reed, a famous motivational speaker who is going to tell us about how to _________ success. achieve."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hanna: Good morning, everyone. Our guest today is Daniel Reed, a famous motivational speaker who is going to tell us about how to _________ success. achieve

2 Our guest today is Daniel Reed, a famous motivational speaker who is going to tell us about how to achieve success.

3 Thank you for _____in us, Mr. Reed. joining

4 Mr. Reed: It’s a __________ to be here, Hanna. pleasure

5 Hanna: So, let’s talk about ____________. motivation

6 We all know that it’s hard to stay _________ed. motivated

7 We’re constantly bothered by _________ thoughts and anxiety about the future. negative

8 Mr. Reed: That’s right. At some point, everyone experiences self-doubt and this can eat away at our motivation and even ______ us to give up without really trying. caus e

9 Hanna: Have you _____________ such problems yourself? experienced

10 Mr. Reed: Of course. I’m no __________ than anyone else. different

11 When I was a teenager, everything I tried seemed like too much ________. trouble

12 When I was a teenager, everything I tried seemed like too much trouble.

13 I just didn’t have the energy to get ______ on anything. going

14 Then I came _______ a book on how to get motivated. acros s

15 Then I came across a book on how to get motivated. * come across 우연히 마주치다 * how to ~ : ~ 하는 방법

16 It said that the first thing I should do is ____ some goals. se t

17 It said that the first thing I should do is set some goals.

18 At first I thought, “Goals ______ help; I have no energy!” won’t

19 However, it promised that writing some goals down on paper would help me start generating the energy and enthusiasm I’d need to reach my ____________. objective s

20 However, it promised that writing some goals down on paper would help me start generating the energy and enthusiasm I’d need to reach my objectives. * Help me start generating ~

21 So I decided to follow the writer’s ______________. suggestion s

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