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Do Now: Write your answer in your binder! Don’t share your answer with anyone! How is a Twix bar like the Earth?

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: Write your answer in your binder! Don’t share your answer with anyone! How is a Twix bar like the Earth?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: Write your answer in your binder! Don’t share your answer with anyone! How is a Twix bar like the Earth?

2 Earth’s Layers

3 3 Compositional Layers C.M.C. <1% Earth’s mass 67% Earth’s mass 33% Earth’s mass

4 Crust Continental Crust 30-50 km thick Less dense Silicon, aluminum Oceanic Crust 10 km thick More dense Iron, magnesium, basalt

5 Mantle A lot of Magnesium A little silicon and aluminum Denser than the crust Holds magma that comes out of volcanoes

6 Core Iron and nickel Most dense Extremely hot

7 Compositional vs. Physical

8 5 Physical Layers Lithosphere Asthenosphere Mesosphere Outer Core Inner Core Laughing At My Omelet, Interesting!

9 Lithosphere(Laughing) Crust and Upper Mantle Rigid Divided into tectonic plates

10 Asthenosphere (At) Middle Mantle Soft, plastic-like Tectonic plates floats on this

11 Mesosphere (My) Lower Mantle Strong Semi-solid (Like caramel)

12 Outer Core(Omelet) Liquid because the inner core is so hot Reason why Earth is a giant magnet

13 Inner Core (Interesting) Center of Earth Solid ball Dense EXTREMELY hot!

14 Why are there layers? Heavier elements tend to sink to the core Lighter elements rise toward the crust

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