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Freshman Terminology: Graduation Requirements, Credits, Grade Point Average, Transcripts.

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Presentation on theme: "Freshman Terminology: Graduation Requirements, Credits, Grade Point Average, Transcripts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Freshman Terminology: Graduation Requirements, Credits, Grade Point Average, Transcripts

2 Graduation Requirement Quiz

3 Question #2: Assuming a student passes all of his/her classes in a quarter, how many credits will he/she earn? Answer: 1.75 total credits per quarter

4 Graduation Requirement Quiz Question #3 How many credits per year can a student earn (not counting additional on-line courses)? Answer: 7

5 Graduation Requirements Quiz Question #3a How many credits can a student earn in in 4 years of high school? Answer: 28 Question #3b How many credits does at student at WHS need to graduate? Answer: 21.5

6 Graduation Requirement Quiz Question #4a Is it possible to graduate with less than 21.5 credits? Answer: No Question #4b Is it possible to NOT graduate with more than 21.5 credits? Answer: Yes

7 Course Requirements Where your credits come from matters! Minimum 21.5 total credits needed from the Following subject areas: –English 4 credits (16 quarters) –Social Studies 3.5 credits (14 quarters) –Math 3 credits (12 quarters) –Science 3 credits (12 quarters) –Physical Ed.5 credits (2 quarters) –Health.5 credits (2 quarters) –Fine Arts 1 credit (4 quarters) –Electives 6 credits (24 quarters)

8 Graduation Requirement Quiz Question #5a Are WHS graduation requirements and four-year college entry requirements the same? Answer: No Question #5b Name 3 possible differences. Answer: World Languages, Math, Science

9 Graduation Requirements Quiz Question #6a You will impress colleges if you earn as many credits as possible and therefore be more likely to be admitted to the college of your choice (True or False). Answer: False. Better to have 22 credits and a 3.5 GPA than 28 credits and a 1.9 GPA. Question #6b What is the minimum grade needed to pass a class and earn a credit? Answer: D-

10 Credit Review Seven classes each quarter Four quarters per year Each class is worth.25 credits/quarter If you pass all your classes: 7 classes x.25 credits = 1.75 credits per quarter 1.75 credits each quarter X 4 quarters = 7 credits per year 7 credits each year x 4 years = 28 possible credits to earn 21. 5 specific credits needed to graduate

11 Credits and GPA Credits are only an indicator of progress toward graduation. Grade Point Average (GPA) is an indicator as to how well you are performing in school. Credits and GPA are re-calculated 4 times per year and reported on a document called a “transcript”

12 Who Cares about GPA? College Admissions Committees Scholarship Committees Washburn Athletic Department Post Secondary Options NCAA Auto Insurance Companies

13 GPA Calculation A 4.00 pointsC2.00 points A- 3.67 pointsC-1.67 points B+ 3.33 pointsD+1.33 points B 3.00 pointsD1.00 points B- 2.67 pointsD-0.67 points C+ 2.33 points F0.00 points To calculate GPA, simply add the number of points you earned and divide by the number of classes you had. Your GPA is cumulative. This means that you add and divide to the total from each preceding quarter.

14 Can I raise my GPA? Yes….but easier to do earlier in your high school career. A.Fiona Freshman has a 2.0 GPA after Semester 1 (28 points, 14 classes). She earns straight A’s third quarter. Her new GPA is: 3.0 A.Johnny Junior has a 2.0 GPA after Semester 1 (140 points, 70 classes). He earns straight A’s third quarter. His new GPA is: 2.18

15 Current 9 th grade transcript

16 Current12th grade transcript

17 GPA: What Does It Mean? > 2.0 GPA* 2.50 - 3.00 GPA* 3.00 – 3.25 GPA 3.25 – 3.50 GPA 3.50 – 3.75 GPA 3.75- 4.00 GPA*

18 Naviance (use Firefox) Email: USE YOUR PERSONAL ( i.e. FACEBOOK) email Password: ID Number 1. Click on “My Planner” then “Tasks Assigned to Me” 2. Complete:  MLP 9.1 Transition Survey 3. When finished:  My Planner > My Goals  Add one personal & one academic goal for year  Colleges >College Research>College maps>Colleges where our students are attending

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