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By: David Benitez, Jorge Cabrera, and Hugo Lopez.

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2 By: David Benitez, Jorge Cabrera, and Hugo Lopez

3  One example from the book that shows terrorism was when Yier, Benson’s older brother, was at a university in Sudan when it was burned down by the government. This is terrorism because the government had not declared war and just killed these people for no good reason.

4  Benjamin’s school was bombed by the government because they thought they had rebels hiding in the school. This is Terrorism because there wasn’t any rebels in the school many casualties happen now that the school is bombed the kids can’t go to school they didn’t do anything they were innocent. Little kids now they can’t have an education.

5  Another example of terrorism in the book “They poured fire on us from the sky” was when the government soldiers attacked the village of Juol, and killed many innocent people, terrorizing the surviving villagers.

6  Terrorism in the book is also evidenced when the government bombed a convoy of refugees and they were forced to drop down to the ground to escape the flying shrapnel. Many of the unarmed refugees were killed.

7  Yet another example of terrorism in the book was when the government soldiers attacked the town of Torit, and killed many refugees in the bombings, forcing the refugees to flee. The refugees were denied food, water and rest as a result of the government attack.

8  One event was about Iraqi insurgents killing innocent civilians to look stronger towards the government. This is really bad because he is killing many innocent civilians just to look strong and powerful.

9  The (accidental) United States bombing of Waziristan killed innocent civilians because of supposed terrorist activity. These people lost their right to live and were killed even thought they didn’t have to do anything with terrorism they lost friends and family members. Many of family separations were caused due to terrorism.

10  This Event is about researchers from Osama Bin Laden trying to destroy the government and civilians with anthrax since we don't have any vaccines or medication against this bacteria/disease. The conflict is between Bin laden and the president but the ones who will suffer are the US citizens. Most of us will get infected with this bacteria/disease and many casualties will happen and it’s all due to terrorism.

11  One way we can help stop these atrocities is simply Protest against the government,tell other people and enlighten them to what’s going on. Eventually the government has to cave in and do what they supposed to do, PROTECT OUR RIGHTS, not het rid of our civil liberties.

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