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Psychological Disorders liudexiang. Overview Perspectives on psychologcal disorders Mood disorders Anxiety disorders Psychosomatic and somatoform disorders.

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Presentation on theme: "Psychological Disorders liudexiang. Overview Perspectives on psychologcal disorders Mood disorders Anxiety disorders Psychosomatic and somatoform disorders."— Presentation transcript:

1 Psychological Disorders liudexiang

2 Overview Perspectives on psychologcal disorders Mood disorders Anxiety disorders Psychosomatic and somatoform disorders Dissociative disorders

3 Perspectives on psychologcal disorders Biological model Psychoanalytic model Cognitive-behavioral model Diathesis-stress model Systems approach

4 Biological model Biological model : View that psychological disorders have a biochemical or physiological basis.

5 Psychoanalytic model Psychoanalytic model: View that pscychological disorders result from unconscious internal conflicts.

6 Cognitive-behavioral model Cognitive-behavioral model: View that psychological disorders result from learning maladaptive ways of thinking and behaving.

7 Diathesis-stress model Diathesis-stress model: View that people biologically predisposed to a mental disorder will tend to exhibit that disorder when particularly affected by stress.

8 System approach System approach: View that biological, psychological, and social risk factors combining to produce psychological disorders. Also known as the biopsychosocial model of psychological disorders.

9 Mood disorders Depression Suicide Mania and bipolar disorder

10 Mood disorders Mood disorders: Disturbance in mood or prolonged emotional state. Depression: A mood disorder characterized by overwhelming feelings of sadness, lack of interest in activities, and perhaps excessive guilt or feelings of worthlessness.

11 Mood disorders Mania : A mood disorder characterized by euphoric states, extreme physical activity, excessive talkativeness, distractedness, and sometimes grandiosity.

12 Mood disorder Biopolar disorder: A mood disorder in which periods of mania and depression alternate, sometimes with periods of normal mood intervening.

13 Anxiety disorders Anxiety disorders: Disorders in which anxiety is a characteristic feature or the avoidance of anxiety seems to motivate abnormal behavior.

14 Specific phobia Specific phobia: Anxiety disorder characterized by an intense, paralyzing fear of something.

15 Agoraphobia An anxiety disorder that involves multiple, intense fears of crowds, public places, and other situations that require separation from a souce of security such as the home.

16 Panic disorder An anxiety disorder characterized by recurrent panic attacks in which the person suddenly experiences intense fear or terror without any reasonable cause.

17 Generalized anxiety disorder An anxiety disorder characterized by prolonged vague but intense fears that are not attached to any particular object or circumstance.

18 Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) An anxiety disorder in which a person feels driven to think disturbing thoughts or to perform senseless rituals.

19 Pcychosomatic disorders Disorders in which there is real physical illness that is largely caused by psychological factors such as stress and anxiety.

20 Somatoform disorders Disorders in which there is an apparent physical illness for which there is no organic basis.

21 Conversion disorders Somatoform disorders in which a dramatic specific disability has no physical cause but instead seems related to psychological problems.

22 Dissociative disorders Disorders in which some aspect of the personality seems separated from the rest.

23 Dissociative identity disorder Also called multiple personality disorder which is characterized by the separation of the personality into two or more distinct personalities.

24 Depersonalization disorder A dissociative disorder whose essential feature is that the person suddenly feels changed or different in a strange way.

25 Personality disorders Disorders in which inflexible and maladptive ways of thinking and behaving learned early in life cause distress to the person or conflicts with others.

26 Schizoid personaltiy disorder Personality disorder in which a person is withdrawn and lacks feelings for others.

27 Paranoid personality disorder Personality disorder in which the person is inappropriately suspicious and mistrustful of others.

28 Dependent personaltiy disorder Personality disorder in which the person is unable to make choices and decisions independently and cannot tolerate being alone.

29 Avoidant personality disorder Personality disorder in which the person’s fears of rejection by others lead to social isolation.

30 Narcissistic personality disorder Personality disorder in which the person has an exaggerated sense of self- importance and needs constant admiration.

31 Borderline personality disorder Personality disorder characterized by marked instability in self-image, mood, and interpersonal relationships.

32 Antisocial personality disorder Personality disorder that involves a pattern of violent, criminal, or unethical and exploitative behavior and an inability to feel affection for others.

33 The End

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