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Social Entrepreneurship

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Presentation on theme: "Social Entrepreneurship"— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Entrepreneurship
On the Road (to a more sustainable future) Sean McGee

2 What is Social Entrepreneurship?
Double Bottom Line Financial Return Social Return Social Value Creation

3 “The only way for goodness to triumph over evil is for the angels to be as organized as the mafia.”
- Kurt Vonnegut

4 Blended Value Spectrum
Traditional Charity Nonprofit with some Earned Income Social Enterprise Social Purpose Business CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) For-Profit Mission Stakeholders Re-Invested in Mission Profit Owners Distributed to Owners Motive Accountability Net Revenues

5 Convergence Social Enterprise Social Purpose Business CSR
(Corporate Social Responsibility) Nonprofit with some Earned Income Traditional Charity Social Enterprise Social Purpose Business For-Profit Mission Stakeholders Re-Invested in Mission Motive Accountability Net Revenues Profit Owners Distributed to Owners

6 When is the best time to plant a tree?

7 Thank You! Better.™ Sean McGee (614) 679-9998 Do Good.
Do Good. Better.™

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