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SELF CARE HAEMODIALYSIS PROGRAM ME.  Self Care project outline Haemodialysis patient education programme, in managing renal failure and dialysis procedure.

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2  Self Care project outline Haemodialysis patient education programme, in managing renal failure and dialysis procedure through theory and practical application. Project cohort 10 patients


4  1 Kidney Functions & Principles of Dialysis  2 Preparing for a Haemodialysis Session  3 Preparing the Dialysis Area  4 Preparing Haemodialysis Machine  5 Programming Haemodialysis Machine  6 Caring for your Dialysis Access  7 Starting your Haemodialysis Session  8 Observations whilst on Dialysis  9 Problem Solving  10 Discontinuing Dialysis Treatment


6  Canvas patients and inform staff  Patient information  Posters  Self Care sister High profile  Date base

7 12 PATIENTS AND 2 CARRERS enrolled on Self care education programme-:  7 unit based self care haemodialysis patients  3 patients and carers chose home haemodialysis  2 patients competency incomplete, (one transferred hospitals, the other due to learning limitations)

8  Referral process Self Care Home Haemodialysis  Canvas patients IT support to identify new starters, clinic patients  Patient suitability assessment Desire to learn Dexterity Eye Sight Language Ability to learn Medical fitness Carer  Monitoring tool to map training progress  Designated Self care room, Transition to home haemodialysis

9  Self Care Champions in each unit Champion study day Resources and support uniformity across units  Referral sources Unit Nurses/CAPD Consultants/ Junior Dr’s Kidney support team Access team  Designated area in each unit Cohort for training  Canvas pre-dialysis clinic patients GFR ≤ 10% Fistula formation Home Haemodialysis chosen modality

10  Recruit 2 ND Home Haemodialysis nurse  Nurse Teaching skills development programme  Self Care High profile in clinic Canvas patients Pre –dialysis Self Care training Evening Classes Week end classes  Designated Independent Self Care dialysis bays  Self Care On line dialysis session, booking system  Peer group support


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