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Forensic Training 101 Kiyosha N. Malcolm C. Kevin M. Imani W.

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1 Forensic Training 101 Kiyosha N. Malcolm C. Kevin M. Imani W.

2 What's the Scope ? What's Forensic Science ?  Forensic Science : is the application of science to law.  Forensic Science is also the application of science to those criminal and civil laws that are enforced by police agencies in a criminal justice system.

3 Major Labs  Crime Laboratory :  First laboratory was LAPD  Federal Laboratory:  1. FBI : belongs to the department of justice(DOJ)  - broad investigative Power  2. DEA: belongs to the department of justice (DOJ)  -Analysis of drugs & all related items  3. ATF : Belongs to department of Treasury.  -Alcoholic beverages, weapons, explosive device, gun control, & organized crime.  4. US Postal Inspection Service: Part of USPS  - Criminal investigations related to the postal service.

4 Admissibility of Evidence  Admissibility of Evidence  - The rejection of the scientific validity of the Lie Detector ( Polygraph ) established a standard guideline for determining the judicial admissibility of scientific examination.

5 Frey v. United States  - The courts ruled that in order to be admitted as evidence at trail, the questioned procedure, technique, or principles must be " Generally Accepted" by meaningful segment of the relevant scientific community.  - Usually requires collection of expert to testify or books/papers written on the subject.

6 Daubert v. Merrel  - In 1993, the U.S. Supreme Court asserted that "General Accepance" is not an absolute prerequisite to the admissibility of scientific evidence.

7 Crime Scene Procedures - Secure & Record  Secure & Isolate the crime scene  - the responsibility of the first responding officers.  - Priority is medical assistance to any individuals in need & arrest of any perpetrator.  Record The Scene  Step 1: Take A Photography  - The Scene should be unaltered  -Objects that have been moved it taken MUST NOT be REPLACED !!!!  -Object should be photograph showing their position & location relative to the entire scene  - Video taping can augment but does NOT replace still photographs.

8 Rough Sketch & Final Sketch  Rough Sketch :  - Is a sketch drawn at the crime scene that contains an accurate depiction of the dimension of the scene & shows the location of all objects having a bearing on the scene.  - Usually not drawn to Scale  Final Sketch :  - A precise referring of the crime scene.  - Drawn to scale !

9 Dealing With Physical Evidence  - there are specific procedures for finding, collecting, & transporting physical evidence.  A. Conduct a systematic search for evidence:  - How a crime scene is searched is dependent on the locale & size of the area as well as the actions of suspect & victims at the scene.  B. Collecting Physical Evidence  - Can be anything from very tiny to very LARGE.

10 Collection, Storage, & Chain of Custody  Collecting Physical Evidence  - clothing from all persons present at a crime scene may be necessary.  - critical area should be vacuumed & the sweepings submitted to the laboratory for examination.  * Packing Evidence separately prevents damage through contacts & prevent cross contamination.

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