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August 29, 2012. Invocation Pledge of Allegiance.

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Presentation on theme: "August 29, 2012. Invocation Pledge of Allegiance."— Presentation transcript:

1 August 29, 2012


3 Invocation Pledge of Allegiance

4 Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one state under God, one and indivisible. one and indivisible.

5 Quiz

6 How Many to Open? 3579

7 Worshipful Master Sits? NorthSouthEastWest

8 Three Great Lights? The light over the Masters Seat, the Gavel, the Holy Scriptures The Holy Scriptures, Square and Compasses The Square, Altar and Holy Scriptures The Square, Compasses and Worshipful Master

9 Cable-Tow? A tow rope to pull a car A cord worn by the Candidate An infant’s umbilical cord The knocks to gain admission to the Lodge

10 EA Working Tools? The Square and Compasses The Level and the Plumb The Gavel and the Square The Gavel and the Twenty-Four Inch Gauge

11 Three Lesser Lights? The Square, Compasses and Holy Bible The Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior Wardens The Sun, Moon and Worshipful Master The three lights by the Altar

12 Three Supports? Wisdom, Ritual and Education Wisdom, Strength and Harmony Harmony, Brotherhood and Charity Wisdom, Strength and Beauty

13 Hoodwink? A device to remove the candidate from the lodge A blindfold The hat worn by the Worshipful Master A shoe worn by the Candidate

14 Senior Warden Sits? NorthSouthEastWest

15 Patron Saints? The Saints John and Mark The Saints Paul and Simon The Saints Mark and Simon The Saints John the Baptist and John the Evangelist

16 Open Bible Significance? The Lodge is open The Lodge is closed The Chaplin is conducting a prayer The Worshipful Master is present

17 Three Raps of the Gavel? Only Officers should rise Everyone should be seated Everyone should rise Only Officers should be seated

18 EA Apron – How Worn? Corner up Bib Up Corner & Bib Up Not Important

19 Junior Warden Sits? NorthSouthEastWest

20 Coffee and Cinnamon Rolls Cost Money


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