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1 of 15 DetaiLogic ™ Patent Pending Designer’s Introduction ■

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1 1 of 15 DetaiLogic ™ Patent Pending Designer’s Introduction ■

2 2 of 15 What’s the Issue?  Do you enjoy detailing? Are you confident in your and your staff’s abilities? Or does it sometimes make you uncomfortable or even nervous?  Are you satisfied with the quality of the details you or your staff design? Do you worry about liability?  Are you satisfied with your ability to deliver technical design without exceeding your fees? ■

3 3 of 15 What’s the Issue?  Are you confident in your sources of detailing information? Do you cross your fingers while cutting and pasting details f rom previous projects or books? Do you hope you have enough time and knowledge while designing from scratch? Do you delegate detailing to consultants or manufacturers Do you figure they’ll somehow be worked out during construction? ■

4 4 of 15 What’s the Issue? Whatever your approach, you know you have to detail, and detail well. Why? ■

5 5 of 15 What’s the Issue? Because detail quality affects:  The quality of construction, including both materials and workmanship  The cost and time of initial construction  The project’s long term operations and need for maintenance and repair  The project’s marketability  Liability to project developers, builders, and design professionals ■

6 6 of 15 What’s the Issue? How will you and your firm handle the challenge? ■

7 7 of 15 Current Solutions  If you cut and paste details from past projects or detail libraries… You may be ignoring project-specific issues. Your detail library might be obsolete.  If you need the office’s experienced “technical guy(s)” to develop details from scratch… There may not be enough guys to go around There might not be enough time in the schedule for them and the rest of the team to do the work Fees may be insufficient for extensive detailing ■

8 8 of 15 Current Solutions  If you delegate the task of detailing… You lose some degree of control over the details You remain liable for their quality You may be violating state practice statutes  If you postpone detailing until construction… It’s likely that the solution will not be coordinated, and may not be documented, having unknown consequences for other details. You could delay the work if you’re not on site when a detail question arises. The detail might be designed by a construction worker with less knowledge of detailing. ■

9 9 of 15 Current Solutions Is there a better solution? Yes. It’s called DetaiLogic™ ■

10 10 of 15 The Alternative: DetaiLogic™ DetaiLogic™ is…  An advisor that suggests materials and assemblies  An instructor that helps users decide and introduces them to new materials  A tester that quickly assesses the detailing implications of changes in project requirements.  A draftsman that compiles custom details from their constituent subassemblies, and outputs detail drawings and specification sections. ■

11 11 of 15 The Alternative: DetaiLogic™ How does it work?  It asks you what you want from your details. You can input a list of performance criteria, select materials to use, or do a combination of the two.  It searches a library for data on the subassemblies and materials you selected or that fulfill your criteria.  It compiles the subassemblies into connections, and the connections into details.  It outputs drawings, specifications, and a performance assessment of the compiled detail.  It links you to manufacturers for more support (to order samples, get questions answered, etc.) as needed. ■

12 12 of 15 The Alternative: DetaiLogic™ Who can use it? Anyone. But any details or specifications DetaiLogic™ generates must be sealed by a licensed DP before being executed (except for exempt [small] projects). ■

13 13 of 15 The Alternative: DetaiLogic™ Why should you use it?  It raises the quality of detailing. It builds details from their constituent subassemblies rather than using them whole, so every detail is designed for the project. It always uses the latest product data. It draws on the full range of product choices It bases detailing recommendations on the levels of performance required of a detail. ■

14 14 of 15 The Alternative: DetaiLogic™ Why should you use it?  It saves time compared with detailing from scratch, compiling details instead of drawing them.  It teaches its users to be better detailers It increases their knowledge of new products It improves their understanding of the detailing process and their ability as detailers. ■

15 15 of 15 Can you try it out? Yes! The ArchiBas X website includes:  A walk-through that explains what DetaiLogic™ is and how it works.  A software mock up that, while not yet functional, does suggest the flow of DetaiLogic™, if not its final look or feel. ■ The Alternative: DetaiLogic™

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