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Powerpoint for ‘God’s faithfulness’ Session 10. We can trust God because of all the good things he’s done for his people.

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Presentation on theme: "Powerpoint for ‘God’s faithfulness’ Session 10. We can trust God because of all the good things he’s done for his people."— Presentation transcript:

1 Powerpoint for ‘God’s faithfulness’ Session 10

2 We can trust God because of all the good things he’s done for his people.

3 God created the whole world.

4 God rescued Noah and his family from the flood.

5 God protected Joseph when his brothers wanted to kill him.

6 God safely led his people through the Red Sea.

7 God kept faithful Daniel safe in the lions’ den.

8 God promised that he would send someone to save his people from their sin.

9 God has promised that he will never leave his people.

10 God sent the Holy Spirit to live with his people forever.

11 God gave us the Bible so we can get to know him.

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