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What’s different?. She likes clothes He likes football.

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Presentation on theme: "What’s different?. She likes clothes He likes football."— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s different?

2 She likes clothes

3 He likes football

4 They like coffee

5 I have a brother

6 I have a phone

7 I have a cola

8 information

9 work in an office

10 work for the BBC

11 work in the evenings

12 drive a car

13 drive a taxi

14 drive to the shops

15 study at university

16 study English

17 study ten hours a week

18 live with parents

19 live in a house

20 live in a flat

21 attraction

22 go to Spain

23 go to a cafe

24 go to room ten

25 do exercise

26 do sport

27 do your homework

28 same

29 kilometre

30 we work six days a week

31 I work in the city centre

32 Do you have a dictionary?

33 Do you like Chinese food?

34 double lives

35 avatar

36 normal

37 bank

38 cost

39 a lot of money

40 a new life

41 Second Life

42 watch TV

43 go shopping

44 in his other life

45 singer

46 club

47 boyfriend

48 guitar

49 band

50 know

51 identity

52 supermarket

53 cycling

54 language school

55 on Saturday morning

56 computer game

57 girlfriend

58 sing

59 free time

60 Saturday

61 Thursday

62 Wednesday

63 Sunday

64 Tuesday

65 Friday

66 Monday

67 every day

68 every week

69 every month

70 in the morning

71 in the afternoon

72 in the evening

73 on Monday

74 on Wednesday

75 on Sunday

76 at night

77 at the weekend

78 What time is it?

79 film

80 party

81 play (2)

82 concert

83 match

84 festival

85 lesson

86 half past three

87 quarter to nine

88 quarter past two

89 quarter to eight

90 world

91 cup

92 final

93 level

94 available

95 birthday

96 celebrate

97 river

98 falls

99 waterfall

100 fish

101 bridge

102 boat

103 cross

104 wet

105 alive

106 dangerous

107 difficult

108 fresh

109 easy

110 safe

111 dead

112 dry

113 frozen

114 human

115 planet

116 lifestyle

117 change

118 season

119 way

120 from place to place

121 sometimes

122 by the river

123 near

124 story

125 rainy season

126 to go to the market

127 to buy a fish

128 to walk to the river

129 to catch a fish

130 to cross a bridge

131 to catch two fish

132 a place of extremes

133 simple bridge

134 again

135 afraid

136 happy

137 angry

138 tired

139 hot

140 surprised

141 hungry

142 bored

143 favourite

144 problem

145 everywhere

146 because

147 countryside

148 message

149 Thailand

150 Laos

151 Vietnam

152 Cambodia

153 activity

154 weather

155 forum

156 website

157 correct

158 animal

159 alone

160 customer

161 at the end of the day

162 typical day

163 welcome (3)

164 nationality

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