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Physical Education. Circuits Year 8 A training programme consisting of several different stations where exercises are completed for a set period of time.

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Presentation on theme: "Physical Education. Circuits Year 8 A training programme consisting of several different stations where exercises are completed for a set period of time."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical Education

2 Circuits Year 8 A training programme consisting of several different stations where exercises are completed for a set period of time.

3 Repetitions Year 8 How many of a particular exercise you can complete in a set period of time.

4 Technique Year 9 Complete each exercise using correct technique as demonstrated.

5 Muscle groups Year 9 A set of muscles that you will be using to complete each exercise.

6 Endurance Year 10 The ability of the body to keep going for long periods of time.

7 Work rate Year 10 The level of intensity at which you work.

8 Lifestyle Year 11&12 Activities to promote health and well being in our daily lives.

9 Responsibility Year 11&12 Applying the principles of a healthy lifestyle outside of class time.

10 Aerobic energy – system Year 13 Energy pathway which uses oxygen to break down glycogen and fat to release energy which can be used to resynthesise ATP.


12 Feedback Year 13 Information received by the individual either during or after completion of task.

13 Validity Year 14 The ability of a test to produce accurate results that can be relied on.

14 Coaching Year 14 Involves the instruction or training of an athlete by a qualified and experienced person.

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