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1 DuPage Mayors & Managers Conference S urface T ransportation P rogram Policies and Procedures of the DuPage Council June 22, 2011 Lombard Village Hall.

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Presentation on theme: "1 DuPage Mayors & Managers Conference S urface T ransportation P rogram Policies and Procedures of the DuPage Council June 22, 2011 Lombard Village Hall."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 DuPage Mayors & Managers Conference S urface T ransportation P rogram Policies and Procedures of the DuPage Council June 22, 2011 Lombard Village Hall

2 2 Presentation Contents Contents of STP Workshop Folder Surface Transportation Program – Background and Definitions Funding Levels Specific Policies Application and Project Selection Schedule

3 3 Contents of STP Workshop Folder Agenda Checklist for applications (blue) Application packet, including three types of application forms and the IDOT Verification form Copies of PowerPoint presentations Presenter Handouts (to be distributed) Sample JRF and LAA (to be distributed) List of Common Acronyms (yellow) Available on DMMC website by June 24, 2011: STP Handbook Application Packet Presentations & Handouts Current IDOT Forms (JRF, LAA)

4 4 What Policies Govern the STP? The STP Manual outlines the policies of DMMC The policies implement these goals: Fund the most effective projects in each funding cycle; Assure broad access to available funds for all members; and Utilize all funds available for projects in a timely manner. Based on IDOT/FHWA requirements

5 5 Eligible Projects Highway Projects Pavement, add lanes, intersections, signals Located on an FAU Route Logical termini TCM Projects Bike/ped, transit, ITS, parking – AQ benefits Logical termini (bike/ped facilities) NOT a recurring, area- wide project/program Two types of projects – Highway & TCM Sponsored or co-sponsored by affected municipalities

6 6 Programming Mark CMAP provides anticipated federal appropriation for the coming FY and an estimate of anticipated out-year funding All guaranteed projects are totaled and subtracted from the CMAP marks The difference is the funding available to be programmed Due to past Advanced Funding, new projects will be programmed in FY 2015 – 2017

7 7 Federal / Local Match Ratios Only construction is funded through STP – all engineering and right of way costs must use local funds HWY projects have 70% federal / 30 % local match ratio TCM projects have 75% federal / 25% local match ratio Sponsors may “over match” to improve cost effectiveness score – match percentage cannot be changed later in the process

8 8 Guarantee Period Funds will be available to a project for the length of the current program With this call for projects, selected projects will be guaranteed until September 30, 2017 If projects are making reasonable progress toward implementation, but experience delays, sponsors may request a 2 year extension

9 9 20% Buffer Policy Additional funding for projects will be provided up to 20% higher than the amount originally guaranteed A “Maximum STP” amount is calculated and project cost increases are tracked against this amount If the limit is exceeded, sponsors can: Cover 100% of the excess cost Reapply for a new guarantee with the next Call for Projects

10 10 FY 2012-2017 Schedule June 22, 2011Call for Projects Issued – STP Workshop June 24, 2011Applications available on the DMMC website at August 12, 2011Project applications due – 4:00 p.m. August - Sept 2011Staff Evaluation Late September 2011STP Methodologies Task Force Review October 27, 2010Committee meeting – project selection and development of FY 2012 - 2017 STP program November 2011DMMC approval of new FY 12-17 STP program Updates to CMAP Transportation Improvement Program

11 11 Questions? Tam Kutzmark Transportation & Planning Director 630-571-0480 ext. 228

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