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W ARM -U P October 3, 2011. W ARM -U P ~ P RONOUNS Watch the following video on pronouns. Remember…Your watching to video to take notes. Then you will.

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Presentation on theme: "W ARM -U P October 3, 2011. W ARM -U P ~ P RONOUNS Watch the following video on pronouns. Remember…Your watching to video to take notes. Then you will."— Presentation transcript:

1 W ARM -U P October 3, 2011

2 W ARM -U P ~ P RONOUNS Watch the following video on pronouns. Remember…Your watching to video to take notes. Then you will have some sentences that you need to select the proper pronoun to use. Remember…You don’t have to write the entire sentence, Just the number and the word that you are selecting as your answer. Video at… ch?v=yg9MKQ1OYCg

3 W RITE DOWN THE CORRECT PRONOUN TO BE USED IN EACH SENTENCE. 1. Mrs. Smith does not like her students to approach her with a question until they have first tried to figure out the answer on (their, theirs, they, there's) own. 2. Since (you, your, yours, you're) leaving tomorrow, we will wash your clothes today. 3. A gray wolf pup calls to (it, its, it's) mother by howling. 4. The living room is hers to clean, not (my, mine, I, me). 5. We never thought (our, ours, we) would do so well at the cheerleading competition. 6. My pancakes were flatter than (her, hers, she). 7. (Whose, Who, Who's) candy is that?

4 M INI -L ESSON #5F S TORY E LEMENTS 5.01 Increase fluency, comprehension, and insight through a meaningful and comprehensive literacy program by: reading self-selected literature and other materials of individual interest. analyzing the effects of such elements as plot, theme, point of view, characterization, mood, and style. 5.02 Study the characteristics of literary genres (fiction, nonfiction).

5 Create ?’sMy Notes…

6 S TORY E LEMENTS ~ I RONY We started looking at Irony yesterday. Irony the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning. Today we will go over the different types of irony. There are 4 types: 1. Verbal Irony 2. Dramatic Irony 3. Situational Irony 4. Cosmic Irony

7 V ERBAL IRONY ironyirony in which a person says or writes one thing and means another, or uses words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of the literal meaning.which

8 V ERBAL IRONY For example, if a person steps in big puddle of water by mistake, and his/her friend smiles kindly, starts to help his friend up and remarks, "well now, don't you have all the luck!"

9 D RAMATIC I RONY irony that is inherent in speeches or a situation of a drama and is understood by the audience but not grasped by the characters in the play. the audience's or reader's knowledge of events or individuals surpasses that of the characters.

10 D RAMATIC I RONY For example, In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet…when Romeo finds Juliet in a drugged sleep, he assumes her to be dead and kills himself. Upon awakening to find her dead lover beside her, Juliet then kills herself.

11 S ITUATIONAL I RONY an outcome that turns out to be very different from what was expected; the difference between what is expected to happen and what actually does.“

12 S ITUATIONAL I RONY For example, if the President of the US was entered into a contest and won a free, exclusive home makeover it would be ironic. The President doesn't need a home makeover, he lives in one of the most amazing houses in America! Also, he can already get anything he wants changed. The irony is that he had just as much chance as of winning as other people who entered the contest.

13 C OSMIC I RONY the idea that fate, destiny, or a god controls and toys with human hopes and expectations; Also called irony of fateirony of fate Fate, the Universe, God, or whichever omnipotent force you choose makes it their sole purpose to mess with your life.

14 C OSMIC I RONY For example…if a UPS driver on his way to deliver parts to a hospital has a serious accident, is taken to the same hospital by ambulance, but the hospital can't perform necessary tests because one of its machines is down and the parts to fix it are in the driver's wrecked van

15 S TORY ELEMENTS ~ F LASHBACK “an interruption of the chronological sequence (as of a film or literary work) of an event of earlier occurrence” flashback is a narrative technique that allows a writer to present past events during current events, in order to provide background for the current narration.

16 S TORY ELEMENTS ~ F LASHBACK Can happen in the rising or falling action of a story. - When Jonas is on the road, and he is starting to feel the effects of starvation, he remembers the time when he was scolded for using the word "starving" when he really meant to say "hungry."

17 S TORY E LEMENTS ~ R ESOLUTION The resolution is the part of the story's plot line in which the problem of the story is resolved or worked out. This occurs after the falling action and is typically where the story ends. Is where we begin to draw conclusions about our text.

18 D RAWING C ONCLUSIONS … Drawing Conclusions requires you to use the information that was given to you from the text and your prior knowledge to place determine what is happening in a selection. There are 3 methods of drawing conclusions:  Inductive Reasoning  Deductive Reasoning  Abductive Reasoning Remember these!

19 D RAWING C ONCLUSIONS … Whether method you decide to use to draw your conclusions…you have to remember the criterion… 1. What hints are given to you from the text?, and 2. What you already know from previous reading or your background knowledge?

20 S UMMARIZE What I learned today…

21 T HINK – P AIR - S HARE Compare notes with the person next to you. Make sure that you have all the information that you need. You have approximately 2 minutes…

22 G UIDED PRACTICE ~ PART I I’m going to pass out to you a worksheet. You need to read the sentences that are listed in Column 1 and then complete the sentence OR answer the question in Column 2. Leave Column 3 and 4 blank until after you see the video. You have 5 minutes to complete Column 2. Video at… /watch?v=Jne9t8sHpUc& ob=av2e

23 I NDEPENDENT P RACTICE ~ I RONY C HART Quote from text w/pg. # What you think is going to happen? What actually happens? Type of Irony used.

24 I NDEPENDENT P RACTICE ~ D RAWING C ONCLUSIONS CHART Text Clues/Hints (quotes from story) What I already know? (from previous reading or background knowledge) My conclusion…


26 A NY

27 G UIDED P RACTICE ~ PART II Writing Workshop Draft #2 ~ Topic #1 Research Group Finish Research Reading Workshop Finish Reading to pg.41-61 Complete a full Reading Reflection Complete Vocabulary Logs. Student/Teacher Conference Work on the items listed under HOMEWORK on the board… until I am able to meet with you. with you.

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