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Graphing in Excel X-Y Scatter Plot SCI 110 CCC Skills Training.

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1 Graphing in Excel X-Y Scatter Plot SCI 110 CCC Skills Training

2 Open Excel & Enter Your Data Into Cells 2. Add titles in the first cell of each column. 4. Add the data in each cell that coordinates with each sample. 3. In the first column, record the sample number, name, or identifier. 1. Open Excel and start an new spreadsheet.

3 Highlight Data & Insert Plot 1. Highlight the data. If two columns are next to each other on the spreadsheet, the data on the left will display on the x- axis. You can select columns that are not next to each other by highlighting the first column, then holding down the ctrl key and highlighting a second column. 2. Click the Insert tab. 3. Click on Scatter to open the dialog box and then choose the graph type you wish to display. You will typically choose the first box, but for some data you may wish to connect the data points (especially if the graph is curved.) A preview of the graph that will be generated will appear as you hover over the choices.

4 The X-Y Scatter Plot Appears 1.Graphs are a visual representation of data. This is your first look at the relationship between x (the independent variable) and y (the dependent variable). 2.You can easily see that both the x and y values are increasing (slope is +), therefore the function is said to be directly proportional. 3.You can also see that it looks like connecting the dots will give a fairly straight line (so this function is said to be linear). 4.You have a few things to do with this graph to prepare it for your report.

5 Add a Trendline 1. Place the cursor on a data point and right click to open the dialog box on the right. 2. Click on Add Trendline to open the next dialog box.

6 Equation of Line & Correlation 1. The dialog box will appear on the right, make sure linear is selected if the data appears linear. 2. Make sure to select both: Display Equation on chart Display R-squared value on chart. 3. Next Menu

7 Formatting the Line 1. Click here to get the menu to format the trend line. 2. Adjust the color, width and Dash type etc.. 3. Close out

8 Displays the Line and R 2 Value 1. A line of best fit now appears across the data points. 2. The equation of the line and the correlation are displayed inside the chart space.

9 Equation of Line In order to talk about a linear relationship, you need to understand what we have just done! Y = 0.0006x – 0.0025 Y = mx + b Where: Y = the y-coordinate in an ordered pair (x,y) m = the slope of the line (0.0006) x = the x-coordinate in an ordered pair (x,y) b = the y-intercept value (-0.0025)

10 Correlation - R 2 The correlation of data is a measure of how close each of your data points are in relationship to each other. A perfect correlation = 1. So on our visual graph, you can see that we have a fairly good linear relationship (because the graph looks like a straight line). The correlation is the mathematical confirmation that the data is linear. R 2 = 0.998 is pretty close to 1, so our data has good correlation.

11 1. Click here to bring up menu: 2. Add each axis here. Add Title and Clean Up Graph 3. Add legend here (if needed)

12 Edit the title, labels etc. 1. Double click on the Chart Title to edit. 2. Double click on Axis Titles to edit them. 3. Drag this box to the location you prefer. 4. You can resize, click and drag the graph to anywhere on the sheet.

13 Almost Done - Copy to Word Doc Sample NumberTime (sec)Concentration (M) 1200.0105 2750.0398 31250.0692 41400.0793 51600.0927 1. Right click on the Graph to ‘copy’ and ‘paste’ it into your word document (lab report). 2. You can also ‘copy’ and ‘paste’ the highlighted section of the data table using the same method. -Legend added. -Equation and Correlation box moved.

14 How to Copy to Word Doc 2. Choose copy. 1. Right click near the title area but not on the title. 3. Have your lab report in Word opened.

15 Paste Into Word for Reports 1. Right click on a page in Word to open the dialog box to paste. 2. Select paste from the dialog box. 3. Of the choices, the easiest is the last ‘Picture’, however if you need to make any changes you will have to use your excel document and cut and paste it again. So be sure to save your excel spread sheet.

16 You Can Also Copy the Table 1.Highlight the entire table. Note that the area around the table has a dotted line. That lets you know what will be copied. 2.Right click in the highlighted area to open the dialog box. 3. Select copy.

17 Choose a Paste Option for Table 1. Right click in a space you wish to place the table on in Word. This will open the dialog box to paste. 2. Select paste from the dialog box. There are different option, so paste the table presentation you like best. 3. The table will now appear on the page in Word. You can edit the table as you wish. You are ready to present this table in your report.

18 Final Touches 1. Make sure you give your graphs and tables a title and number them in your report so you can refer to each specific one in your discussion. 2. You can resize and move the table and graph freely in your report. You can design fancy tables too!

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