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Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer NASA / DOE National Aeronautics and Space Administration AMS-02 ROAD TO COFR Mike Fohey July 15, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer NASA / DOE National Aeronautics and Space Administration AMS-02 ROAD TO COFR Mike Fohey July 15, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer NASA / DOE National Aeronautics and Space Administration AMS-02 ROAD TO COFR Mike Fohey July 15, 2004

2 Major Reviews Flight Safety Reviews Ground Safety Reviews Processing Readiness PIH 1149 Reviews CoFR/FRR Operations Review AMS Master Schedule Roll up of Tasks Programmatic Schedule Margin Management Delivery Dependencies HW SW Analysis Safety Data Process, Planning & Reporting Earned Value Methods Budget Manpower Phasing Risk Management Configuration Management Schedule Facilities Project Reporting Collaboration Commitments & Schedules Integration Reviews Personal Witness Delivery of NASA PIH Collaboration support of Launch & Flight External dependencies affect product deliveries Control Points (AMS, DOE, HQ, EA, SEAT) AMS WBS WBS Task Breakdown Products Integration Mentoring Task Breakdown Sub-products Cost Code Resource Loaded Road to CoFR Starts Here AMS-02 Road to CoFR

3 Certificate of Flight Readiness (CoFR) AMS/ISS Government Certification Approval Request (GCAR) Closure AMS Equipment Certification AMS Verification & Validation Document and Acceptance Data Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer NASA / DOE AMS-02 Road to CoFR National Aeronautics and Space Administration

4  NASA Developed Payload Integration Hardware (PIH) System Requirements and Integrated Payload Requirements  AMS Payload Safety Requirements  AMS Experiment Component Mission Assurance Requirements Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer NASA / DOE AMS-02 Road to CoFR National Aeronautics and Space Administration Three main sets of requirements must be met in order to certify the AMS Payload for flight:

5 Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer NASA / DOE National Aeronautics and Space Administration PIH System Requirements & Integrated Payload Requirements are documented in:  JSC 29789, Project Technical Requirements Specification for the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer-02 (AMS-02) Payload Integration Hardware (PIH)  JSC 29095, Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer - 02 (AMS-02) Experiment/Payload Integration Hardware (PIH) Interfaces (Part II)  JSC 29202, Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer 02 (AMS-02) Experiment/Vacuum Case Payload Integration Hardware (PIH) Interfaces  SSP 57213, Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer-02 (AMS-02) Hardware Interface Control Document (ICD)  SSP 57003, Attached Payload Interface Requirements Document  NSTS TBD, AMS to STS ICD  NSTS 21000-IDD-ISS, Core ICD with Shuttle PIH System Requirements & Integrated Payload Requirements

6 Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer NASA / DOE National Aeronautics and Space Administration  A Verification and Validation Document (V&VD): Plan and Report will be created per EA-WI-023 to document the verification and validation activities for the AMS-02 Payload.  The V&VD will contain a verification matrix for tracking verification/validation of the PIH System Requirements and Integrated Payload Requirements PIH System Requirements & Integrated Payload Requirements

7 Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer NASA / DOE AMS Payload Safety Requirements National Aeronautics and Space Administration  AMS Payload Safety Requirements are developed as a part of the payload safety process.  The Payload is subjected to phased (0, I, II, III) flight and ground safety reviews.  Safety Data Packages (SDPs) are prepared and submitted in accordance with NSTS/ISS 13830, Payload Safety Review and Data Submittal Requirements

8 Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer NASA / DOE AMS Payload Safety Requirements National Aeronautics and Space Administration  Payload hazards are documented and tracked to closure in the Hazard Reports  Payload is approved for flight when the Payload Safety Review Panel (PSRP) signs off on the Phase III SDP and all Hazard Reports are closed  For any items that do not get closed out at Phase III, a Verification Tracking Log will be implemented and tracked to CoFR

9 Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer NASA / DOE AMS Experiment Component Mission Assurance Requirements National Aeronautics and Space Administration  AMS Experiment component mission assurance requirements are defined by the AMS Experiment Component teams and are not the responsibility of the NASA AMS Project Office.  NASA/EA does have some insight into these requirements and will create an Experiment Milestone Log that will be maintained until all items are closed and the CoFR is issued.  The Experiment Milestone Log will contain key verification and integration milestones for the experiment hardware.

10 IRD/ICD PARAGRAPH NO. CLASSIFICATION IDENTIFIER (REFERENCE #) DESCRIPTIONSTATUS IRD - ICD - ExceedanceAMS-02 / 01AMS-02 Exceedance of the On-Orbit Operational Envelope Open See note 1 IRD - ICD - ExceedanceAMS-02 / 02AMS-02 Exceedance of the EVA/Robotics Operational Envelope - EVA Open See note 2 IRD - (TBR-4) ICD - 3.2.2 ExceedanceAMS-02 / 03AMS-02 Magnetic Field Limits Open See note 3 AMS-02 EXCEPTIONS TO SSP 57003 REQUIREMENTS Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer NASA / DOE Required Waivers National Aeronautics and Space Administration

11 AMS-02 EXCEPTIONS TO SSP 57003 REQUIREMENTS Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer NASA / DOE Required Waivers National Aeronautics and Space Administration NOTES: 1.MAGIK Analysis complete. Programmatic decision to not use adjacent PAS site while the AMS-02 Payload is attached to the station. Approval Pending. 2.NBL evaluation and analysis complete. Actions from Crew Consensus Report closed. Approval Pending. 3.Testing on U.S. and Russian Spacesuits, Safer, and PGT complete. Keep-out zones will be established where required. SPDM & SSRMS testing/analysis pending.

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