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Amy Blas Hawaii Space Flight Laboratory University of Hawaii.

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Presentation on theme: "Amy Blas Hawaii Space Flight Laboratory University of Hawaii."— Presentation transcript:

1 Amy Blas Hawaii Space Flight Laboratory University of Hawaii

2 What is CubeSat? 10x10x10 centimeter cube Launched in lower earth orbit (LEO) Developed in California Involves over 60 universities and high schools

3 CP-1 CalPoly CubeSat

4 Kumu a’o CubeSat Project The project started last semester. 14 members Objective is to be the first CubeSat in space from Hawaii

5 The Different Subsystems Tele-Communication Electrical Power (EPS) Command and Data Handling (C&DH) Thermal Structural

6 Mission Objectives Survive launch Establish communication Mission duration of 4 months

7 Power Objectives Control energy from solar cells Produce 1 watt of power Minimize losses

8 Problems Time Weight Volume

9 Expectations Gain extensive knowledge of power subsystems Components Capabilities Fabrication

10 Deliverable Goals Schematic and PCB layout of Power subsystem Begin Fabrication Analyze Solar Cell Output

11 Proposed Schedule Spring 2008: Start fabrication CubeSat Fall 2008: CubeSat Complete, Start testing Spring 2009: Testing complete Fall 2009: Launch and Operate

12 Kumua’o Gantt Chart

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