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Reports/ Proposals Organizational Schemata. A Review of Types Informal Reports Trouble Reports Investigative Reports Progress Reports Research Findings.

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Presentation on theme: "Reports/ Proposals Organizational Schemata. A Review of Types Informal Reports Trouble Reports Investigative Reports Progress Reports Research Findings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reports/ Proposals Organizational Schemata

2 A Review of Types Informal Reports Trouble Reports Investigative Reports Progress Reports Research Findings Recommendation Reports Technical Proposals

3 Front Matter/ Back Matter Transmittal (Letter or Memo) Title Page Abstract Table of Contents Lists of Figures/Tables Foreword Preface Bibliography Appendices Index

4 Introduction Results Conclusions/ Recommendations Analysis/ Discussion Background Information/ Lit Review Methodology Section

5 Introduction Results Conclusions/ Recommendations Analysis/ Discussion Background Information/ Lit Review Alternatives Analysis/ Discussion Alternatives Analysis: A1: Discussion A2: Discussion A3: Discussion Alternatives Analysis: A1: Discussion A2: Discussion A3: Discussion

6 Information and Analysis Sequential Chronological Spatial Division and Classification Decreasing OOP Increasing OOP General to Specific Specific to General Comparison Informal Reports Trouble Reports Investigative Reports Progress Reports Research Findings Recommendation Reports Technical Proposals

7 Introduction Solution/ Plan Implementation Budget Timeline Solution/ Plan Implementation Budget Timeline Conclusions Qualifications Background Information/ Lit Review Problem Assessment

8 Micro-Level Organization Hook Thesis Forecasting Should match outline This report explores_______ The following sections investigate________ This report is divided into three sections that interrogate___________

9 Given-New Contract Given-new contract Paragraph Transition: Clause 1, Clause 2. Despite this data, the recommendation for Plan B seems most appropriate. In addition to recent findings about the impact of chemical X, chemical Y also slows the reaction time of Sequence 7. Partition The preceding section demonstrated how stem cell research can contribute positively to medical advancement. It showed how it is already proving effective in Europe and Asia. The following sections will explore some of the concerns about stem cell research and demonstrate how they are unconvincing.

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